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Data Management Planning and Biosketch support from the NC State University Libraries

From the very helpful folks at the NC State Libraries:

For NC State researchers preparing grant proposals, the NC State University Libraries offers resources to support the creation of data management plans and biosketches.  We can also help with finding repositories to comply with data sharing requirements. 

  • Data Management Plans (DMPs): If you need help creating a data management or data sharing plan, we offer the DMPTool and our DMP Review service. For research projects that are already underway, our post-award checklist can help you implement DMPs to keep data safe and available for sharing and reuse.
    • NIH Policy for Data Management and Sharing (DMSP): A new NIH policy for data management and sharing will apply to all NIH proposals submitted on or after January 25, 2023.  The Libraries can consult on questions regarding these new requirements and review DMSP drafts through our DMP Review service.
    • Note: Additional information on the new NIH DMS policy is forthcoming from NC State’s Office of Sponsored Programs and Regulatory Compliance Services (SPARCS), including a website with centralized guidance and resources for campus researchers.
  • ORCID and Biosketch support: SciENcv is the NSF- and NIH-approved system for creating biosketches and will be required in October 2023. Our step-by-step guide covers everything researchers need to know, from creating their ORCID records/ID to using our local system (Citation Index) to managing their ORCID records, to logging into SciENcv.  ORCID is the only individual DPI (digital persistent identifier) that meets the recent OSTP guidance
  • Data & Code Repository: The Libraries’ institutional membership to the Dryad data repository enables any researcher associated with NC State University to deposit and publicly share datasets at no cost. Dryad integrates with Zenodo to support researchers who need to publicly share software and code to comply with publisher, funder, or other requirements. Learn more about other data repository options that we recommend.
  • Research Data Management advice: Our online guide has advice on all phases of the research data lifecycle including: developing data management plans (DMPs) for grant proposals; best practices for storage, organization, and preservation of data; and tips to optimize sharing and discovery of data. Learn more at:
  • Research Facilitation Service (RFS): The RFS is a joint endeavor on the part of University Libraries, OIT and ORI that functions as a single point of contact for questions about resources to support computationally or data intensive research. RFS staff help researchers assess technology options to best meet their research computing and data needs and connect researchers to services across campus and beyond. The RFS completed a pilot phase with the College of Sciences (COS) during 2022 and will become operational to the College of Natural Resources (CNR) research community in February. The service will continue expanding its reach to other portions of campus in a phased roll-out approach throughout 2022-2023. If you are not affiliated with COS or CNR but need assistance, please reach out so we can discuss our current capacity. To learn more, please visit and complete the brief “Contact RFS” form.
  • NC State University Libraries Spring 2023 workshops: We are excited to offer a number of workshops this spring on topics like research data management, writing a DMP, and research data repositories. If you are interested in learning more about our upcoming workshops or registering, visit our research data workshop page in REPORTER. If you don’t see a session to sign up for, click the Add to Watchlist button and you will be emailed when the workshop is scheduled.

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