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NEH Summer Stipends Webinar August 17

We received a reminder from NEH that on Aug. 17, at 2 p.m. (EDT),  NEH will offer a one-hour webinar presenting strategies for writing a good application for the Summer Stipends program, including a description of the review process and the review criteria, ideas for making the case for the project, and a list of things to avoid, as well as a live Q&A.

A link to join the webinar can be accessed from the program page:

NEH says that “the strategies might also be useful for people interested in other NEH programs or grants from other funders. For those who cannot make the live presentation, we will post a recording within a couple of weeks after the presentation.”Please remember that the internal deadline for these applications is August 22. The university can only nominate two applicants for this program, which is why an internal review is needed.