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Andrew Binder

Associate Professor


Director of Graduate Programs, Department of Communication

Advisor, Undergraduate Minor in Science Communication

Co-Director of Community Engagement, Center for Human Health & the Environment

Department of Communication

Winston Hall 201C


Andrew R. Binder (Ph.D., 2010, University of Wisconsin-Madison) is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at North Carolina State University. He conducts research on controversial science topics, including how information about those topics is transmitted through various communication channels and what impact that communication has on risk perception and public understanding of science. His research has been published in the journals Science Communication, Public Understanding of Science, Communication Research , and Journal of Health Communication, among others. Current projects include a national opinion survey on the use of reclaimed water in people’s homes, a meta-analysis of the empirical relationship between sending sexually explicit text messages and sexual behaviors, and a systematic review of research on public opinion of genetic engineering.


B.A. French The University of Wisconsin at Madison 2001

M.S. Life Sciences Communication The University of Wisconsin at Madison 2007

Ph.D. Mass Communications The University of Wisconsin at Madison 2010


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Date: 04/20/15 - 3/31/25
Amount: $6,127,354.00
Funding Agencies: National Institutes of Health (NIH)

The mission of the Center for Human Health and the Environment (CHHE) is to advance understanding of environmental impacts on human health. Through a systems biology framework integrating all levels of biological organization, CHHE aims to elucidate the fundamental mechanisms through which environmental exposures/stressors interface with biomolecules, pathways, the genome, and epigenome to influence human disease. CHHE will develop three interdisciplinary research teams that represent NC State??????????????????s distinctive strengths. CHHE will implement specific mechanisms to promote intra- and inter-team interactions and build interdisciplinary bridges to advance basic science discovery and translational research in environmental health science along the continuum from genes to population. These teams are; - The Molecular/Cellular-Based Systems and Model Organisms Team will utilize cutting edge molecular/cellular-based systems and powerful vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms to define mechanisms, pathways, GxE interactions, and individual susceptibility to environmental agents. - The Human Population Science Team will integrate expertise on environmental exposures, epidemiology, genomics and epigenomics to identify key human pathways and link exposure and disease across populations. - Bioinformatics Team will develop novel analytics and computational tools to translate Big Data generated across high-throughput and multiscale experiments into systems-level discoveries To further increase the impact and translational capacity of these teams, CHHE will develop three new facility cores that will provide instrumentation, expertise, and training to facilitate basic mechanism- to population-based research. - The Integrative Health Sciences Facility Core will expand the ability of CHHE members to translate basic science discoveries across species and provide mechanistic insights into epidemiological studies by partnering with: a) NC State??????????????????s Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD); b) East Carolina University Brody School of Medicine and c) NC Dept. of Health and Human Services. - The Comparative Pathobiology Core will be located at NC State??????????????????s top-ranked College of Veterinary Medicine and its nationally recognized veterinary pathology group to facilitate assessment of the effects of environmental stressors in the many model organisms utilized by CHHE members. - The Systems Technologies Core will introduce state-of-the-art proteomics capabilities and dedicated bioinformatics support to expand the ability of CHHE members to analyze the Next Generation Sequencing data involving the genome, transcriptome and epigenome. As a land-grant university, NC State has an extensive and active Cooperative Extension Service network throughout North Carolina. CHHE will utilize this unique network to develop a highly effective, multi-directional Community Outreach and Engagement Core to disseminate findings that will contribute to addressing disparity in exposures and health outcomes and to educate communities about environmental influences on health. A strong Career Development Core for early stage scientists that is coordinated with a robust Pilot Project Program will support cutting-edge, collaborative and multidisciplinary environmental health projects to enhance the research success and impact of our membership. Through these activities and the purposeful interfacing of different disciplines CHHE will build on NC State??????????????????s unique research and community outreach strengths to become a premier transformative and synergistic EHS Core Center.

Date: 09/01/20 - 8/31/23
Amount: $1,000,000.00
Funding Agencies: USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

This project will leverage existing food safety networks to rapidly address SARS-CoV-2 concerns within the food industry by evaluating practices and confirming efficacy through laboratory research on spread, inactivation and transfer to aid in future risk management decisions. The goal is to reduce the risk of COVID-19 impacts within the food supply chain through laboratory-informed risk-based decision making.

Date: 08/15/16 - 7/31/21
Amount: $291,974.00
Funding Agencies: National Science Foundation (NSF)

Despite sharing similar scientific foundations, genetically modified (GM) trees have lagged far behind GM crops in terms of development and commercialization. Proponents lament the failure to realize more quickly the potential of a powerful technology, but the delay has also created space for strategic consideration of how to navigate public perceptions and regulatory oversight. This proposal focuses on the GM American chestnut (GMAC) as a case study for three reasons: a narrative of ecological restoration may disrupt anti-GMO sentiments motivated by environmental values; GMAC scientists have explicitly engaged public audiences and stakeholder across multiple institutional contexts; and the GMAC is designed to spread into the environment, raising new governance questions at the same time that the White House has called for reviewing the U.S. regulatory framework on plant biotechnologies.Research will focus on four sets of "Core" GMAC stakeholders. 1) Biotechnologists: Building on a 2014 pilot study, key GMAC scientists will be interviewed. 2) Indigenous Stakeholders: Given the overlap between Haudenosaunee (or Iroquois) tribal lands and proposed release sites for the GMAC, project personnel will collaborate with SUNY-ESF??????????????????s Center for Native Peoples and the Environment (CNPE). 3) Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs): First, the Institute of Forest Bioscience (IFB), which is dedicated to the "responsible use" of forest biotechnology and the principles of "science, dialogue, and stewardship," will be the site of an institutional ethnography. Second, emergent coalitions of NGOs surrounding the GMAC will undergo a narrative policy framework analysis. 4) Public Audiences: Collaborating with IFB and the Genetic Engineering and Society Center at North Carolina State University, the project team will host a workshop that brings together GMAC stakeholders to plan the next iteration of public engagement following soon-to-be published results of a national survey of public attitudes on the GMAC

Date: 09/30/17 - 7/31/20
Amount: $440,889.00
Funding Agencies: US Dept. of Agriculture (USDA)

To reduce foodborne illness and to protect public health, the U.S. Department of Agriculture??????????????????s (USDA??????????????????s) Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) helps ensure that consumers are provided with the information needed to safely handle and prepare meat and poultry when cooking at home. Product labels, such as the Safe Handling Instructions (SHI), are one approach for providing consumers with information on food safety practices. FSIS is considering revising the SHI label and needs to conduct consumer behavior research to ensure that the final SHI label revision empirically shows an improve?????????ment in consumers?????????????????? food safety knowledge and behaviors following exposure to the revised SHI label. FSIS would also like to collect information on consumers?????????????????? use and understanding of labeling for ready-to-eat (RTE) and not-ready-to-eat (NRTE) meat and poultry products to assess whether improvements are needed in the labeling of these products.

Date: 01/01/15 - 12/31/15
Amount: $15,000.00
Funding Agencies: NCSU Research and Innovation Seed Funding Program

NC State has significant strengths in water resources research, including the human dimension, across multiple colleges (e.g., CNR, CALS, CHASS, COS, Design and Engineering). Yet, there in not a forum for sustained interaction among faculty that facilitates understanding of the rich set of interdisciplinary perspectives on campus and fosters new collaborative opportunities. We envision providing this forum through a series of integrative activities including a brownbag seminar series, a graduate student two-day workshop, and a ??A???a?sA???a??Water Summit??A???a?sA???A? conference. Each activity will be designed to deepen cross-disciplinary understanding and work toward the goal of assembling multidisciplinary teams that compete successfully for new funding opportunities. Outcomes will include the participants identifying new cross-discipline research collaborations; identification of curricular opportunities related to water resources; and developing a sustainability plan for the network??A???a?sA???a?zA?s continuance.

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