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A Compass for Our College

Co-created by members of the college community, our strategic plan and culture charter define our vision, mission, values and priorities. They are our compass, directing us all to shape the conversation to build a better future.

The plan provides a common course for leaders and community members to align their unique work and collectively move the college forward. It guides us to seize opportunities for innovation and collaboration; confront inequities in the college and beyond; and bring critical questions and ideas to the grand challenges of our time.

Core Plan

A professor teaches class at the outdoor classroom of the Court of North Carolina


A just and sustainable world in which innovations and experiences are shaped by the questions and insights from the humanities and social sciences and a deep concern for all people and our planet.


To serve the residents of North Carolina and meet the challenges of the 21st century by supporting excellence in teaching, research and student success, and by educating our students to be future leaders and responsible citizens with a distinctive willingness to engage in the life of their communities, their state, their nation and the world.

Call to Action

Shape the conversation to build a better future.


  • Curiosity
  • Critical Thinking
  • Empathy
  • Diversity, Equity and Justice
  • Collaborative Innovation

Strategic Priorities

  1. Be the nation’s most innovative humanities and social sciences college.
  2. Design and build for collaboration to help solve critical challenges.
  3. Take groundbreaking and effective action to promote equity, diversity and inclusion.

About the Process

This strategic plan was developed throughout 2021 and early 2022, against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic and during an extended period of challenging circumstances for students, staff, faculty and communities alike.  Despite these realities, more than 100 college community members contributed their voices and best ideas to the design of this strategic plan.

brick building next to trees