Lynsey Romo
Dr. Lynsey Romo is a professor in the Department of Communication at North Carolina State University. Her research examines how people talk about uncomfortable issues, specifically pertaining to health and finances. Dr. Romo has explored what motivates people to disclose taboo topics (e.g., salary) or stigmatized traits (e.g., abstaining from alcohol, being in recovery for substance misuse) and how individuals manage uncertainty surrounding their physical, social, and economic well-being. She also uncovers how couples can effectively motivate one another to engage in healthier eating and exercise behaviors, how people can communicatively manage interpersonal challenges to losing and maintaining weight, and how college athletes can negotiate stressors and ambiguity.
Romo was named a 2019-20 NC State University Scholar in recognition of her research, teaching, and leadership and ranked among the top 1% of published communication scholars in the discipline across the years 2012-2016. She was also awarded the NC State Department of Communication’s Robert M. Entman Award for Excellence in Communication Research (2018) and the Department’s Outstanding Teacher Award (2023). Romo was selected to serve as a U.S. Fulbright Scholar at Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences in Latvia in Spring 2021 and as a Fulbright Specialist in Latvia in Summer 2023.
At NC State, Romo teaches undergraduate and graduate health, theory, interpersonal, and qualitative research methods courses. Prior to joining NC State, Romo taught at the university level for three years and served as the communications director of a nonprofit committed to improving health and economic conditions for low-income individuals.
Romo has published her research in such academic journals as Human Communication Research, Communication Monographs, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Health Communication, and the Journal of Health Communication. Her research has been covered by a number of media outlets, including: Time, The Wall Street Journal, NPR, Inside Higher Ed, U.S. News & World Report, New York Magazine, Glamour, Men’s Health, Women’s Health, Self, Shape, CBS News, WebMD, Fast Company, Psychology Today, the San Francisco Chronicle, Daily Mail, the Guardian, and Yahoo News. Romo also writes for Psychology Today:
Research Publications
Romo, L.K., Abetz, J., & Thompson, C. M. (in press). An examination of mothers’ sensemaking of “mommy drinking” culture. Journal of Family Studies.
Romo, L.K., Makos, S., Hooper, M., & Wright, M. (in press). How visually impaired individuals manage uncertainty. Health Communication.*
Romo, L.K., Obiol, M., & Taussig, M. R. (in press). Visually impaired individuals’ impression management. Western Journal of Communication.*
Romo, L.K., Earl, S., Obiol., M, & Mueller, K. A. (2024). A qualitative model of weight cycling. Qualitative Health Research, 34 (8-9), 798-814.*
Romo, L. K. & Abetz, J. (2023). How U.S. college athletes manage COVID-19 related uncertainty. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health, 15(4), 547-565.
Romo, L. K., & Obiol, M. (2023). How people in recovery manage the stigma of being an alcoholic. Health Communication, 23(5), 947-957.*
Abetz, J. S., Romo, L. K., & Marr, C. (2023). Defining and exploring frenemy relationships. Southern Communication Journal, 88(2), 172-184.*
Thompson, C. M., Romo, L. K., Pulido, M. D., Liao, D., Kriss, L., & Babu, S. (2023). Denying and accepting a family member’s illness: Uncertainty management as a process. Health Communication, 38(3), 594-607.*
Romo, L.K., Alvarez, C., & Taussig, M. R. (2023). An examination of visually impaired individuals’ communicative negotiation of face threats. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 40(1), 152-173.*
Romo, L. K., Marr, C., & Alvarez, C. (2023). “Facework and politeness theories.” In (Ed) Ho, E. L., Bylund, C. A., & van Weert, J. C. M. International Encyclopedia of Health Communication. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.*
Thompson, C. M., Duerringer, C. M., Romo, L. K., & Makos, S. (2023). Personal responsibility, personal shame: The discourse of individualism about health and finances. Rhetoric of Health & Medicine, 6(1), 64-94.*
Abetz, J. S., & Romo, L. K. (2022). A normative approach to understanding how “boomerang kids” communicatively negotiate moving back home. Emerging Adulthood, 10(5), 1095-1107.
Thompson, C. M., Babu, S., Romo, L. K., Pulido, M. D., Liao, D., & Kriss, L. (2022). “I changed. I had to admit that I was wrong”: Identity gap management amidst evolving illness uncertainty. Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, 39(4), 844-863.* .
Romo, L. K., Thompson, C. M., & Ben-Israel, P. (2022). An examination of how people appraise and manage health-related financial uncertainty. Health Communication, 37(8), 935-943.*
Romo, L. K., & Czajkowski, N. (2022). An examination of reddit members’ metaphorical sensemaking of prenuptial agreements. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 43(1), 1-14.*
Romo, L. K., Lloyd, R., & Grimaila, Z. (2022). An examination of communicative negotiation of non-rescue dog stigma. Society & Animals, 30(1),88-107.*
Foulke, M., & Romo, L. K. (2021). An examination of how young adults manage verbal disclosure of their tattoo(s). Qualitative Research Reports in Communication, 22(1),39-46.*
Romo, L. K., & Campau, C. (2021). An examination of how college students in recovery for a substance use disorder manage uncertainty. Alcoholism Treatment Quarterly, 39(4), 471-488.
Romo, L. K., & Luurs, G. (2021). How college students communicatively manage uncertainty about university health services. Health Communication, 36(8), 1009-1117.*
Abetz, J., & Romo, L. (2020). An examination of how southern emerging adults communicatively manage multiple goals in talking about race. Southern Studies: An Interdisciplinary Journal of the South, 27,65-82.
Hughes, S., & Romo, L. K. (2020). An exploration of how individuals with an ostomy communicatively manage uncertainty. Health Communication, 35(3),375-383.*
Thompson, C. M., Romo, L. K., Owens, M., Ben-Israel, P., & Keita, S. (2019). Social network members’ responses to friends’ break up false alarms. Personal Relationships, 26(3), 406-428.*
Perez, L., Romo, L. K., & Bell, T. (2019). Communicatively exploring uncertainty management of parents of children with type 1 diabetes. Health Communication, 34(9),949-957.*
Dailey, R. M., Romo, L. K., Myer, S., Thomas, C., Aggarwal, S., Nordby, K., Johnson, M., & Dunn, C. (2018). The buddy benefit: Increasing the effectiveness of an employee-targeted weight-loss program through confirming communication. Journal of Health Communication, 23(3), 272-280.
Romo, L.K. (2018). Coming out as a nondrinker at work. Management Communication Quarterly, 32(2),292-296.
Romo, L. K. (2018). An examination of how people who have lost weight communicatively negotiate interpersonal challenges to weight management. Health Communication, 33(4),469-477.
Romo, L.K. (2018). “A review of family financial communication.” In (Ed) Laskin, A.V. Handbook of Financial Communication and Investor Relations. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Romo, L.K. (2017). College student-athletes’ communicative negotiation of emotional labor. Communication and Sport, 5(4),492-509.
Romo, L. K., Thompson, C. M., & Donovan, E. (2017). College drinkers’ privacy management surrounding alcohol posts on social networking sites. Communication Studies, 68(2),173-189.
Romo, L. K. (2016). How formerly overweight and obese individuals negotiate disclosure of their weight loss. Health Communication, 31(9),1145-1154.
Romo, L. K., & Abetz, J. S. (2016). Money as relational struggle: Communicatively negotiating cultural discourses in romantic relationships. Communication Studies, 67(1),94-110.
Thompson, C. M., & Romo, L. K. (2016). The role of communication competence in buffering against the negative effects of alcohol-related social networking site usage. Communication Reports, 29(3),139-151.
Thompson, C. M., & Romo, L. K. (2016). College students’ drinking and posting about alcohol: Forwarding a model of motivations, behaviors, and consequences. Journal of Health Communication, 21(6),688-695.
Romo, L. K., Dinsmore, D. R., & Connolly, T. L. (2016). “Coming out” as an alcoholic: How former problem drinkers negotiate disclosure of their non-drinking identity. Health Communication, 31(3),336-345.*
Romo, L. K. (2016). “Family secrets.” In (Eds.) Berger, C., & Roloff, M. International Encyclopedia of Interpersonal Communication. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
Romo, L. K., Davis, C. N., & Fea, A. L. (2015). “You never know what’s gonna happen”: An examination of communication strategies used by college student athletes to manage uncertainty. Communication and Sport, 3(4),458-480.*
Romo, L. K. (2015). An examination of how people in romantic relationships use communication to manage financial uncertainty. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 43(3),315-335.
Romo, L. K., Dinsmore, D. R., Connolly, T. L, & Davis, C. N. (2015). An examination of how professionals who abstain from alcohol communicatively negotiate their non-drinking identity. Journal of Applied Communication Research, 43(1),91-111.*
Romo, L. K. (2014). “These aren’t very good times”: Financial uncertainty experienced by romantic partners in the wake of an economic downturn. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 35, 477-488.
Romo, L. K. (2014). Much ado about money: Parent-child perceptions of financial disclosure. Communication Reports, 27(2),91-101.
Romo, L. K., & Dailey, R. M. (2014). Weighty dynamics: Exploring couples’ perceptions of post-weight loss interaction. Health Communication, 29(2),193-204.
Romo, L. K., & Vangelisti, A. L. (2014). Money matters: Children’s perceptions of parent-child financial communication. Communication Research Reports, 31(2),197-209.
Dailey, R. M., Thompson, C. M., & Romo, L. K. (2014). Mother-teen communication about weight management. Health Communication, 29(4), 384-397.
Thompson, C. M., Romo, L. K., & Dailey, R. M. (2013). The effectiveness of weight management influence messages in romantic relationships. Communication Research Reports, 30(1), 34-45.
Donovan-Kicken, E., Guinn, T. D., Romo, L. K., & Ciceraro, L. D. L. (2013). Thanks for asking, but let’s talk about something else: Reactions to topic avoidance messages that feature different interaction goals. Communication Research, 40(3), 308-336.
Romo, L. K. (2012). Living “above the influence:” How college students communicate about the healthy deviance of alcohol abstinence. Health Communication, 27(7), 672-681.
Romo, L. K., & Donovan-Kicken, E. (2012). “Actually, I don’t eat meat”: A multiple-goals perspective of communication about vegetarianism. Communication Studies, 63(4), 405-420.
Romo, L. K. (2011). Money talks: Revealing and concealing financial information in families. Journal of Family Communication, 11(4), 264-281.
Dailey, R.M., Romo, L. K., & Thompson, C. M. (2011). Confirmation in couples’ communication about weight management: An analysis of how both partners contribute to individuals’ health behaviors and conversational outcomes. Human Communication Research, 37(4), 553-582.
Dailey, R. M., McCracken, A., & Romo, L. K. (2011). Confirmation and weight management: Predicting effective levels of acceptance and challenge in weight management messages. Communication Monographs, 78(2), 185-211.
Dailey, R. M., Richards, A., & Romo, L. K. (2010). Communication with significant others about weight management: The role of confirmation in weight management attitudes and behaviors. Communication Research, 37(5), 644-673.
Dailey, R. M., Romo, L. K., & McCracken, A. (2010). Messages about weight management: An examination of how acceptance and challenge are related to message effectiveness. Western Journal of Communication, 74(5), 457-483.
* indicates student or former student co-authors
Romo, L.K., Hooper, M., & Taussig, M. (2024, April). How visually impaired individuals manage disclosure of their visual impairment. Paper presented at the biennial convention of the Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.*
Romo, L.K., Makos, S., Hopper, M., & Wright, M. (2023, November). How visually impaired individuals manage uncertainty. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, National Harbor, MD.*
Romo, L. K., Abetz, J., Thompson, C. M., & Wright, M. (2023, April). An examination of mothers’ sensemaking of “mommy drinking culture.” Poster presented at the biennial convention of the DC Health Communication Conference, Herndon, VA.*
Romo, L. K., Obiol, M., & Taussig, M. R. (2022, November). An examination of visually impaired individuals’ impression management. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.*
Abetz, J., Romo, L. K., & Marr, C. T. (2022, November). Defining and exploring frenemy relationships. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.*
Romo, L. K., Risko, E., & Mueller, K. (2022, November) An examination of how college students communicatively negotiate interpersonal and intrapersonal challenges from weight cycling. Research in progress roundtable at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.*
Romo, L. K., & Taussig, M. R. (2022, November). An examination of how visually impaired individuals manage uncertainty. Research in progress roundtable at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Romo, L. K., Alvarez, C., & Taussig, M. R. (2021, November). How visually impaired individuals renewed their face by communicatively negotiating face threats. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.*
Romo, L. K., Czajkowski, N., & Carroll, C. (2021, November). How college student-athletes manage COVID-19 related uncertainty. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.*
Thompson, C. M., Duerringer, C. M., Romo, L. K., & Makos, S. (2021, November). Personal responsibility, personal shame: A discourse tracing of individualism about health and finances. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Thompson, C.M., Babu, S., Romo, L. K., Pulido, M. D., Liao, D. & Kriss, L. (2021, November). “I changed, I had to realize that I was wrong”: Identity gap management amidst evolving illness uncertainty. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Seattle, WA.
Romo, L.K., & Obiol, M. (2021, May). How former substance misusers manage the stigma of being a recovering alcoholic. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association.*
Abetz, J. S., & Romo, L. K. (2021, April). A normative approach to understanding how“boomerang kids” communicatively negotiate moving back home. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Norfolk, VA.
Romo, L. K., Thompson, C. M., Ben-Israel, P., & Jones, H. (2020, November). An examination of how people manage financial uncertainty due to health care costs. Paper presented at the annualconvention of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN.*
Romo, L. K., & Czajkowski, N. (2020, November). An examination of reddit members’ metaphorical sensemaking of prenuptial agreements. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN.*
Thompson, C. M., Romo, L. K., Pulido, M. D., Liao, D., Kriss, L., & Babu, S. (2020, November).“Pulling all the puzzle pieces together”: Reconceptualizing the experience and management of uncertainty as sensemaking. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, IN.*
Thompson, C. M., Romo, L. K., Pulido, M., Liao, D., & Babu, S. (2020, April). What happens when illness becomes a reality?: Individuals’ evolving uncertainty management about family members’ health. Paper presented at the biannual Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.
Romo, L. K., & Campau, C. (2019, November). How college students in recovery for alcohol and/or drug misuse communicatively manage uncertainty. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD.
Romo, L.K. (2019, November). Exploring critical interpersonal communication topics through classroom research projects. Chair and panelist at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Baltimore, MD.
Romo, L. K. & Campau, C. (2019, May). How college students in recovery for a substance abuse disorder manage uncertainty and disclosure about their recovery status. Preconference round table panelist at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Washington, D.C.
Thompson, C. M., Romo, L. K., Owens, M., & Ben-Israel, P. (2018, November). Quit playing games and break up already: An exploratory study of social network members’ responses to friends’ break up false alarms. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT.*
Foulke, M., & Romo, L. K. (2018, November). Speaking of ink: What playbook do young adults create when disclosing their tattoos? Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Salt Lake City, UT.*
Romo, L. K., Lloyd, R., & Grimaila, Z. (2018, April). An examination of communicative negotiation of purebred stigma. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Nashville, TN.*
Romo, L. K. (2018, April). Muses and musings theorizing: Established and burgeoning scholars discuss developing communication theory. Seminar panelist at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Nashville, TN.
Abetz, J. S., & Romo, L. K. (2018, April). An examination of how southern emerging adults communicatively manage multiple goals in talking about race. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Nashville, TN.
Romo, L. K., & Schneider, A. (2017, November). An examination of how college students in recovery for drug and alcohol abuse construct their sober identity through language about alcohol. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.*
Dailey, R. M., Romo, L. K., Dunn, C., & Aggarwal, S. (2017, November). The buddy benefit: Increasing the effectiveness of an employee-targeted weight-loss program through confirming communication. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.
Hughes, S., & Romo, L. K. (2017, November). An exploration of how individuals with an ostomy communicatively manage uncertainty. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Dallas, TX.*
Perez, L., & Romo, L. K. (2017, May). Communicatively exploring uncertainty management of parents of children with type 1 diabetes: Implications for communication-based interventions. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, San Diego, CA.*
Romo, L. K. (2017, April). Innovative mentoring practices. Chair and panelist at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Greenville, SC.
Romo, L. K. (2017, April). Communication and stigma. Invited panelist at the annual convention of the Eastern Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Romo, L.K. (2016, November). Coming out as a non-drinker: How professionals who abstain from alcohol manage disclosure of this non-normative behavior. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Romo, L.K., & Ray, L. (2016, November). An examination of how people who have lost weight communicatively negotiate interpersonal challenges to weight management. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.*
Romo, L.K. (2016, July). College drinkers’ privacy management of alcohol posts on social networking sites. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Australia and New Zealand Communication Association (ANZCA), Newcastle, Australia.
Romo, L.K., & Ray, L. (2016, April). Exploring how people who have lost weight communicatively manage lean stigma. Poster presented at the biannual Kentucky Conference on Health Communication, Lexington, KY.*
Romo, L.K. (2016, April). Money talks: An interdisciplinary review of interpersonal financial communication. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Austin, TX.
Romo, L.K. (2016, April). College student athletes’ communicative negotiation of emotional labor (2016, April). Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Austin, TX.
Romo, L.K., Thompson, C.M., & Foulke, M. (2016, April). College drinkers’ privacy management of alcohol posts on social networking sites. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Austin, TX.*
Thompson, C.M., & Romo, L.K. (2016, April). Exploring the role of computer-mediated communication competence in buffering against the negative effects of alcohol-related social networking site usage. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Austin, TX.
Thompson, C.M., & Romo, L.K. (2016, April). College students’ drinking and posting about alcohol: Forwarding a model of motivations, behaviors, and consequences. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, Austin, TX. Top Paper, Applied Communication Division.
Romo, L.K. (2015, November). “Are they real doctors?” How college students communicatively manage uncertainty about university health services. Poster presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Romo, L. K. (2015, November). Lambda Pi Eta undergraduate researchers and their research advisors: Embracing academic opportunities of a lifetime. Panelist at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Las Vegas, NV.
Romo, L. K., & Abetz, J. S. (2015, May). “Money is important but it’s not everything”: A dialectical analysis of how cultural financial discourses are constituted in people’s communication with their romantic partner. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Romo, L. K., Davis, C.N., Foulke, M., Gilroy, H., & Hoffman, M. (2015, May). Chewing the fat: How formerly overweight and obese individuals negotiate disclosure of their weight loss. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.*
Thompson, C. M., & Romo, L. K. (2015, May). An exploratory investigation of the links between college students’ social networking use and problem drinking. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Romo, L. K., Davis, C. N., & Fea, A. L. (2014, November).“You never know what’s gonna happen”: An examination of communication strategies used by college student-athletes to manage uncertainty. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL. Top Four Paper, Applied Communication Division.*
Romo, L. K., Connolly, T. L, & Dinsmore, D. R. (2014, November). “Coming out” as an alcoholic: How former problem drinkers negotiate disclosure of their non-drinking identity. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.*
Romo, L. K. (2014, November). Trends in engaging students in applied health communication research. Chair and panelist at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Romo, L. K. (2014, November). Negotiating work-life balance: Advice from five female tenure-track professors on managing careers, family, relationships, and their sanity. Chair and panelist at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Romo, L. K., Dinsmore, D. R., Connolly, T. L., & Davis, C. N. (2014, May). Neither shaken nor stirred: How professionals who abstain from alcohol communicatively negotiate their non-drinking identity. Panelist at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Seattle, WA.*
Romo, L. K. (2013, November). “In this day and age, you just don’t know”: An examination of how people in romantic relationships use communication to manage financial uncertainty. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Washington, D.C.
Romo, L. K. (2013, November). Types of financial uncertainty experienced by romantic partners: Implications for communication. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Washington, D.C.
Romo, L. K. (2012, November). From famine to foodies. Preconference panelist at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL.
Romo, L. K. (2012, November). Family communication and finance. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL.
Romo, L. K. (2012, November). Much ado about money: How parents and children co-construct financial (non) disclosure. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Orlando, FL.
Romo, L. K. (2012, July). Much ado about money: Parent and child reports of parent financial (non) disclosure. Poster presented at the biennial convention of the International Association for Relationship Research, Chicago, IL.
Romo, L. K., & Vangelisti, A. L. (2012, July). Children’s fears about finances: What scares them and why. Poster presented at the biennial convention of the International Association for Relationship Research, Chicago, IL.
Dailey, R. M.,Thompson, C. M.,& Romo, L. K. (2012, July). Mother-teen communication about weight management: The role of confirmation in promoting healthy behaviors. Paper presented at the biennial convention of the International Association for Relationship Research, Chicago, IL.
Romo, L. K. (2012, April). Family communication about finances: A future direction in interpersonal communication research. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.
Thompson, C. M., Romo, L. K., & Dailey, R. M. (2012, April). The effectiveness of weight management influence messages in romantic relationships. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Southern States Communication Association, San Antonio, TX.
Romo, L. K. (2011, November). Above the influence: How college students communicate about the healthy deviance of alcohol abstinence. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Romo, L. K. & Dailey, R. M. (2011, November). I’m hot, you’re not: Exploring the “dark side” of weight loss in couples’ relationships. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Romo, L. K. & Vangelisti, A. L. (2011, November). Children’s perceptions of parent-child communication about money. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, New Orleans, LA.
Dailey, R. M., Romo, L. K., & Mooney, C. (2011, May). Weighty conversations: The role of confirmation in couples’ weight management. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Boston, MA.
Dailey, R. M., Richards, A., & Romo, L. K. (2010, November). Confirming messages and weight management: Predicting effective levels of acceptance and challenge. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Donovan-Kicken, E., Guinn, T. D., Romo, L. K., & Ciceraro, L. D. L. (2010, November). Thanks for asking, but let’s talk about something else: Reactions to topic avoidance messages that feature different interaction goals. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA. Top Four Paper, Interpersonal Communication Division.
Romo, L. K. (2010, November). Money talks: How parents reveal or conceal financial information to their children. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Romo, L. K. & Donovan-Kicken, E. (2010, November). Communication about vegetarianism: Disclosing a healthy deviance. Paper presented at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, San Francisco, CA.
Romo, L. K. (2010, July). Living above the influence: How college students communicate about the healthy deviance of alcohol abstinence. Paper presented at the National Communication Association’s Doctoral Honors Seminar, Salt Lake City, UT.
Dailey, R. M., Richards, A. A., & Romo, L. K. (2009, May). Communication with significant others about weight management: The role of confirmation in weight management attitudes and behaviors. Paper presented at the annual convention of the International Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Romo, L. K. (2009, November). The pros and cons of using new media in communication research. Chair and panelist at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Romo, L. K. (2009, November). How to parlay your master’s degree into a successful career in or out of academia. Chair and panelist at the annual convention of the National Communication Association, Chicago, IL.
Romo, L. K. (2009, April). How parents reveal or conceal their financial information. Paper presented at the annual convention of the Northwest Speech Association, Coeur d’Alene, ID.
Ph.D. Communication Studies The University of Texas at Austin
M.A. Public Communication American University
B.A. History and Spanish Albion College