Jeffrey Diebold
Jeffrey C. Diebold is an associate professor of public policy in the Department of Public Administration at North Carolina State University. A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, his current research focuses on issues related to retirement and income security, retirement and health, and public pension finance. His research has appeared in the Journals of Gerontology: Series B, Research on Aging, and the Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, Health Services Research, among others.
Subjective Expectations of Social Security Benefit Cuts and the Timing of Claiming Decisions
Retirement and Pension Systems in Law Enforcement (w/ Jim Brunet)
Camilleri, Susan and Jeffrey Diebold. (2019) “Hospital Uncompensated Care and Patient Experience: An Instrumental Variable Approach” Health Services Research
Diebold, Jeffrey and Susan Camilleri (2018). “An Experiment Linking Claim Ages and Survivor Benefits in the Social Security Statement” Journal of Pension Economics and Finance
Diebold, Jeffrey, Reitano, Vincent, and Bruce McDonald (2017). “Sweat the Small Stuff: Strategic selection of pension policies used to defer required contributions from the state.” Contemporary Economic Policy.
Moulton, Jeremy, Diebold, Jeffrey, and John Scott (2017). “The Impact of Affordable Health Insurance on Self-Employment and Retirement Decision-Making” Research on Aging.
Stewart, Amanda and Jeffrey Diebold (2017). Turnover at the Top: Exploring Performance-Turnover Sensitivity among Nonprofit Organizations. Public Performance & Management Review
Diebold, Jeffrey (2016). ‘The Short- and Long-Term Effects of Medicare Part D on Cost-Related Non-Adherence and Health Outcomes among the Newly Covered.” Journals of Gerontology: Series B.
Diebold, Jeffrey, Moulton, Jeremy, and John Scott (2016). “Early Claiming of Higher-Earning Husbands, the Survivor Benefit, and the Incidence of Poverty among Recent Widows.” Journal of Pension Economics and Finance.
Neely, Stephen and Jeffrey Diebold (2016). “Public Expenditures and the Production of Education.” Education Policy Analysis Archives.
Scott, John and Jeffrey Diebold (2014). Annuities, Credits and Deductions: An Experimental Test of the Relative Strength of Economic Incentives. Journal of Retirement.
Funded Research
Sandell Grant Program through the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, $69,000. An Experiment Linking Claim Ages and Survivor Benefits in the Social Security Statement
Ph.D. Public Policy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2012