William Smith
Emeritus Faculty
Department of Sociology and Anthropology
1911 Bldg NA
Office Hours
- Wed:1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Research Publications
Kuptsevych-Timmer, A., O. Antonaccio, E.V. Botchkovar, and W.R. Smith. 2018. “Scared or attached? Unraveling Important Links in Strain-crime Relationships among School Students.”
International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. Published online doi: 10.1177/0306624×18814342 [1.399 Web of Science 5-Yr Impact Factor Score]
Tabrizian, P., P. Baran, W. R. Smith and R.K. Meentemeyer. “Exploring Restorative Potential of Urban Green Enclosure through Immersive Virtual Environments.” 2018. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 55:99-109 (Feb.) [3.4]
Smith, W.R., N. Cosco, R. Moore, J. Wesoloski, T. Danninger, Diane Ward, Stewart Trost and Nicole Ries. 2016.“Increasing Physical Activity in Childcare Outdoor Learning Environments: The Effect of Setting Adjacency Relative to Other Built Environment and Social Factors.” Environment and Behavior. 48(4):550:578. (2.505)
Baran, P. K., W.R. Smith, R. Moore, M. Floyd, J. Bocarro, N. Cosco and T. Danninger. 2014. “Park Use Among Youth and Adult Examination of Individual, Social, and Urban Form Factors.” Environment and Behavior. (Previously published online Jan. 2013, doi: 10.1177/0013916512470134.) (2.505)
Antonaccio, O.P., W.R. Smith, and F. Gostjev. 2014. “Anomic Strain and External Constraints: A Reassessment of Merton’s Anomie/Strain Theory Using Data from Ukraine.” International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology. (1.399)
Cosco, N., R. Moore, and W.R. Smith. 2014. “Improving Physical Activity and Food Awareness in North Carolina Childcare Centers: Preventing Obesity by Design (POD).” American Journal of Health Promotion 28(3):27-32 (Jan/Feb). (2.389)
Floyd, M.R., J.N. Bocarro, W. R. Smith, P.K. Baran, R.C Moore, N.G. Cosco, M.B. Edwards, L.J. Suau, and K. Fang. 2011. “Park-based Physical Activity among Children and Adolescents” American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 41:258-65. (Not in WofK)
Baran, P.K., W.R. Smith, H.D. Turkhoglu, R.W. Marans and F. Bolen. 2009. “Walking Behavior in Istanbul: Individual Attributes, Neighborhood Context and Perceived Safety.” A|Z. Special Issue: Dossier – Quality of Urban Life 6:1 (Spring) pp. 21-40. (Not in WofK)
Bocarro, J.N., Floyd, M.F., Moore, R., Baran, P., Danninger,T., Smith, W.R. and Cosco, N. 2009. “Adaptation of the System For Observing Physical Activity and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) to Assess Age Groupings of Children.” Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 6:6, 699-707. (1.863)
Warren, P., D. Tomaskovic-Devey, W. Smith, M. Zingraff and M. Mason. 2006. “‘Driving While Black’: Bias Processes and Racial Disparity in Police Stops” Criminology 44:709-738. (3.864)
B.A. Sociology St. Norbert College
M.A. Sociology Rutgers University
Ph.D. Sociology Rutgers University
Area(s) of Expertise
Social Ecology of Crime, Individual Prediction in Criminology and Sociology, Sociology of Education, Sociology of Learning Disabilities, Etiology of Delinquency, Fear of Crime