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Roger Mitchell


Research Publications

Mitchell, R.E., Fraser, A.M. & Bearon, L.B. (2007).  Preventing foodborne illness in foodservice establishments: Broadening the framework for intervention and research on safe food handling behaviors. International Journal of Environmental Health Research, 17(1), 1-16.

Goetz, B. & Mitchell, R. E. (2006). Pre-arrest/booking drug control strategies: Diversion to treatment, harm reduction, and police involvement.  Contemporary Drug Problems. 33(3), 473-520.

Mitchell, R.E., Ash, S. L., & & McClelland, J. (2006)  Nutrition education among low-income elderly: A randomized trial in Congregate Nutrition sites.  Health Education and Behavior.  33 (3): 374-392.

Mitchell, R.E., Stone-Wiggins, B., Stevenson, J.F.  & Florin, P. (2004).  Cultivating capacity: Outcomes of a statewide support system for community coalitions.  Journal of Prevention and Intervention in the Community, 27 (2), 67-87.

Wood, M.D., Read, J.P., Mitchell, R. E.,  &  Brand, N.  (2004). Do parents still matter?  Parent and peer influences on alcohol involvement among incoming college students.  Psychology of Addictive Behaviors, 18(1), 19-38.

Stevenson, J.F. & Mitchell, R.E. (2003). Community level collaboration for substance abuse prevention. Journal of Primary Prevention, 23(3), 371-404.

Goetz, B., & Mitchell, R.  (2003). Community-building and reintegrative approaches to community policing:  The case of drug control.  Social Justice. 30(1), 222-247.

Mitchell, R.E., Florin, P & Stevenson, J.F. (2002).  Supporting community-based prevention and health promotion initiatives: Developing effective technical assistance systems. Health Education and Behavior. 29 (5): 620-639.

McClelland, J.W., Irving, L.M.,  Mitchell, R.E., Bearon, L.B., & Webber, K.M. (2002). Extending the reach of nutrition education for older adults: Feasibility of a Train-the-Trainer approach in Congregate Nutrition Sites. Journal of Nutrition Education, 34, S48-S52.

Florin, P, Mitchell, R.E., Stevenson, J.F., & Klein, I. (2000) Predicting intermediate outcomes for prevention coalitions: A developmental perspective. Evaluation and Program Planning. 23(3),  341-346.

Kingston, S., Mitchell, R.E., Florin, P., & Stevenson, J.F. (1999).  Sense of community in neighborhoods as a multilevel construct.  Journal of Community Psychology, 27(6),  681-694.

Stevenson, J., McMillan, B., Mitchell, R.E., & Blanco, M.  (1998).  Project HOPE: Altering Risk and Protective Factors among High Risk Hispanic Youth and Their Families. Journal of Primary Prevention, 18 (3),  287-317.

Mitchell, R.E.,  Florin, P & Stevenson, J.F.  (1996). A typology of prevention activities: Applications to community coalitions. Journal of Primary Prevention, 16,  413-436.

Stevenson, J.F., Mitchell, R.E., & Florin, P  (1996). Evaluation and self-direction in community prevention coalitions.  In  D. Fetterman, S. Kafterian, and A. Wandersman (Eds.)., Empowerment evaluation: Knowledge and tools for self-assessment and accountability  (pp. 208-233).  Beverly Hills, CA:  Sage.

McMillan, B., Florin, P., Stevenson, J.F., Kerman, B., &  Mitchell, R.E.  (1995). Empowerment praxis in community coalitions.  American Journal of Community Psychology,  23,  699-728.

Florin, P.,  Mitchell, R.E., & Stevenson, J.F.  (1993). Identifying training and technical assistance needs in community coalitions: A developmental approach. Health Education Research:  Theory and Practice,  8,   417-432.

Trickett, E. J., & Mitchell, R.E. (1992). An ecological metaphor for research and intervention in community psychology. In Gibbs, M.S., Lachenmeyer, J.R., & Sigal, J. (Eds.), Community psychology: Theoretical and empirical approaches  (2nd Edition) (pp. 13-28). NY: Gardner Press.

Mitchell, R.E., (1986). Consulting with informal care givers: Strengthening informal helping and social support processes. In F.V. Mannino, E. Trickett, M. Shore, M. Kidder, and G. Levin (Eds.), Handbook  of mental health consultation  (pp. 471-503). Washington, D.C.: US Government Printing Office.

Mitchell, R.E., & Hodson, C.A. (1986). Coping and social support among battered women: An ecological perspective. In S. Hobfoll (Ed.), Stress, social support and women (pp. 153-169). NY: Hemisphere Press.

Mitchell, R.E., & Moos, R.H. (1984). Deficiencies in social support among depressed patients: Antecedents or consequences of stress?  Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 25,  438-452.

Finney, J.W., Mitchell, R.E., Cronkite, R.C., Moos, R.H. (1984). Methodological  issues in estimating main and interactive effects: Examples from the coping/social support and stress field. Journal of Health and Social  Behavior, 25, 85-98.

Mitchell, R.E., & Hodson, C.A. (1983). Coping with domestic violence: Social support and psychological health among battered women. American Journal of Community Psychology, 11, 629-654.

Mitchell, R.E., Cronkite, R.C., & Moos, R.H. (1983). Stress, coping and depression among married couples. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 92, 433-438.

Moos, R.H., & Mitchell, R.E. (1982). Social network resources and adaptation: A conceptual framework. In T.A. Wills (Ed.), Basic processes in helping relationships (pp. 213-232). New York: Academic Press.

Mitchell, R.E., Billings, A.G., Moos, R.H. (1982). Social support and well-being:  Implications for prevention programs. Journal of Primary Prevention, 3, 77-98.

Mitchell, R.E. (1982). Social networks of psychiatric clients: The personal and environmental context. American Journal of Community Psychology, 10,  387-401.


Postdoctoral Fellow Clinical Community Psychology Department of Psychiatry, Stanford University Medical Center Stanford, CA 1981-1983

Ph.D. Clinical Psychology U of Maryland 1980

M.A. Clinical Psychology U of Maryland 1978

B.A. Psychology Holy Cross College 1972

Area(s) of Expertise

Dr . Mitchell’s broad research interests center on the impact of psychosocial and contextual factors on health and health promotion, as well the personal and ecological factors influencing the capacity to launch effective health-promotion efforts. For example, he has looked at access to (and capacity to mobilize) social support among a variety of at-risk populations (e.g., battered women, depressed patients). He has been involved in evaluating community-based approaches to the prevention of alcohol and other drug-abuse problems, and the effectiveness of community coalitions in implementing empirically based prevention programming.