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Melissa Johnson

Professor Emerita

Department of Communication

Winston Hall 206


Melissa A. Johnson joined NC State in 1994. She holds a doctorate in mass communication research from the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.

Dr. Johnson has received the NC State Department of Communication’s Outstanding Teacher Award five times, along with the Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award three times. She also was awarded the department’s Robert Entman Research Award and is a recipient of the Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor from NC State’s College of Humanities and Social Sciences. In addition to teaching at NC State, she has taught at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, San Diego State University, and Elon College. In 2007 she served as the Roy H. Park Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at UNC Chapel Hill.

Along with academic experience, Dr. Johnson has more than a dozen years of communication practitioner experience. This included positions as vice president of corporate relations for a large California financial institution and director of public relations for a top-ranked U.S. school of public health. She has also worked in agency public relations and radio broadcasting.

Dr. Johnson is a past president of the San Diego Press Club and the Public Relations Club of San Diego. She is a former board member of the North Carolina chapter of the Public Relations Society of America. In 2007 she was recognized with the Watt Huntley Award for Lifetime Achievement by the Raleigh Public Relations Society for her educational contributions to North Carolina public relations practitioners.

She serves on the editorial board of The Journal of Public Relations Research and The Howard Journal of Communication. In addition, she reviews for a number of other communication journals and conferences.

Research Publications


Johnson, M. A. (2020). Engaging diverse communities: A guide to museum public relations. Amherst, MA: University of Massachusetts Press.

Journal Articles

Adams, M. B., & Johnson, M. A. (2020). Acculturation, pluralism, and digital social advocacy in nonprofit strategic communications. The Journal of Public Interest Communications, 4(2). DOI

Adams, M. B., & Johnson, M. A. (2020). Acculturation, pluralism, empowerment: Cultural images as strategic communication on Hispanic nonprofit Websites, Journal of International and Intercultural Communication13(4), 309-327. Published online 2019.

Burgner, G. S., & Johnson, M. A. (2019). Alliances enhance marketing efforts. Public Garden, 34(1), 10-12.

Rendon, H., DeMoya, M., & Johnson, M. A. (2019). ‘Dreamers’ or threat? Bilingual frame building of DACA immigrants. Newspaper Research Journal, 40(1), 7-24.

Johnson, M. A. (2018). Culture as soft power: Digital branding by Catalonia, the Basque Country, and Scotland. Catalan Journal of Communication & Cultural Studies, 10(1), 115-123.

Johnson, M. A., & Pettiway, K. M. (2017). Visual expressions of Black identity: African American and African Museum Web sites. Journal of Communication, 67(3), 350-377.

Johnson, M. A., & Cester, X. (2015). Communicating Catalan culture in global society. Public Relations Review, 41, 809-815.

Rendon, H., & Johnson, M. (2015). Coverage of Mexico in United States media: Phases of academic scholarship. International Communication Gazette77(8), 735-752.

Carneiro, L., & Johnson, M. A. (2015). Ethnic past and Ethnic now: the representation of memory in ethnic museum websites. Public Relations Inquiry, 4(2), 163-179.

Johnson, M. A., & Sink, W. T. (2015). Ethnic organization websites, cultural projection, and self-categorization concepts. Howard Journal of Communications, 26(2), 206-225.

Johnson, M.A., & Carneiro, L. (2014). Communicating visual ethnicities on ethnic museum websites. Visual Communication, 13(3), 357-372.

Johnson, M. A., & Martin, K. (2014). When navigation trumps visual dynamism: Hospital website usability and credibility. Journal of Promotion Management, 20(5), 666-687.

Johnson, M. A., & Sink, W. T. (2013). Ethnic museum public relations: Cultural diplomacy and cultural intermediaries in the Digital Age. Public Relations Inquiry 2(3), 355-376. 

Martin, K. & Johnson, M. A. (2010) Digital credibility and digital dynamism in public relations blogs. Visual Communication Quarterly, 17, 162-174.

Searson, E. & Johnson, M. A. (2010). Transparency laws and interactive public relations: An analysis of Latin American government Web sites. Public Relations Review, 36(2), 120-126.

Johnson, M. A. (2010). Incorporating self-categorization concepts into ethnic media research. Communication Theory, 20, 105-124.

Johnson, M. A. (2010). Good neighbor, no neighbor: Visual fidelity in U.S. network television’s portrayals of Mexico President Vicente Fox. Visual Communication Quarterly17, 18-30.

Johnson, M A. & Kim, D. H. (2009). Diffusing and framing public art: News coverage of the failed Plensa project. Atlantic Journal of Communication17(4), 184-201.

Johnson, M. A., Davis, J. L., Cronin, S. (2009). Mexican expatriates vote? Framing and agenda-setting in coverage about Mexico. Mass Communication & Society12(1), 4-25.

Johnson, M. A. (2005). Five decades of Mexican public relations in the United States: From propaganda to strategic counsel. Public Relations Review, 31(1), 11-20.

David, P., Morrison, G., Johnson, M. A., & Ross, F. (2002) Body image, race, and fashion models: A third-person approach. Communication Research, 29(3), 270-294.

Johnson, M. A. (2000). How ethnic are U.S.ethnic media: The case of Latina magazines. Mass Communication and Society 3(2/3), 229-248.

Johnson, M. A. (1999). Pre-television stereotypes: Mexicans in newsreels, 1919-1932. Critical Studies in Mass Communication, 16(4), 417-435.

Johnson, M. A., Gotthoffer, A. R., & Lauffer, K. A. (1999). The sexual and reproductive health content of African American and Latino magazines. Howard Journal of Communications, 10(3), 169-187.

David, P. & Johnson, M. A. (1998). The role of self in third-person effects about body image. Journal of Communication, 48(4), 37-58.

Johnson, M. A. (1997). Predicting news flow from Mexico. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, 74(2), 315-330.

Johnson, M. A. (1997). Public relations and new technologies: Practitioner perspectives. Journal of Public Relation Research, 9(3), 213-236.

Johnson, M. A. (1996). Latinas and television: Relationships among genre identification, acculturation, and acculturation stress. Howard Journal of Communications, 7(4), 289-313.

Book Chapters

Johnson, M. A. (2020). Communicating identity histories in ethnic museum public relations. In I. Somerville, L. Edwards, & Ihlen, O., Public Relations,Society and the Generative Power of History (pp. 127-141). London: Routledge.

Johnson, M. A., & Rendon, H. (2018). Goodbye neighbor: Mexican news coverage of the Trump wall and U.S. immigration proposals. In A. S. Hayes (Ed.), Communication and Media in the Age of Trump (pp. 173-196). New York: Peter Lang.

Carneiro, L. & Johnson, M. A. (2014). Quantitative and qualitative visual content analysis in the study of websites. Sage Cases in Methodology. London: Sage.

Johnson, M. A. & Searson, E. (2011). Visual ethics in public relations: An analysis of Latin American government Web sites. Nicolaev, A. (Ed.), Ethical Issues in International Communication (pp. 183-198). Palgrave MacMillan.

Requena, J. C., & Johnson, M. A. (2008). Transparencia: The importance of neutrality. Providing objective information in a difficult political situation. In J. VanSlyke Turk & L. Scanlan (Eds), The Evolution of Public Relations:  Case Studies from Countries in Transition (3rd ed.) (pp. 162-180). Gainesville, FL: Institute for Public Relations.

Johnson, M. A. (2003, 2006). Constructing a new model of ethnic media: Image-saturated Latina magazines as touchstones. In A. N. Valdivia (Ed.), A Companion to Media Studies (pp. 272-292). Malden, MA: Blackwell.

Johnson, M. A., David, P., & Huey, D. (2004). Looks like me? Body image in magazines targeted to U. S. Latinas. In A. Tait & G. Meiss (Eds.), Ethnic Media in America: Images, Audiences, and Transforming Forces (pp. 43-64). ALANA (African American,Latina, Asian and Native American) and Media book series. Dubuque, IO: Kendall Hunt.

Johnson, M. A., David, P., & Huey, D. (2003). Beauty in brown: Skin color in Latina magazines. In D. I. Ríos & A. N. Mohamed (Eds.), Brown and Black Communication: Latino and African American Conflict and Convergence in Mass Media (pp. 159-173). Westport, CT: Praeger.


Johnson, M. A. (June, 1998). What’s the Diagnosis: Latinos, Media, & Health — A Study of Sexual Health Coverage in Latino Magazines, 1997-1998. Menlo Park, CA: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Also in translation, Cual es el Diagnóstico: Los Latinos, los medios de communicación y la salud –Estudio sobre la cobertura de temas de salud sexual en revistas Latinos, 1997-1998 (junio, 1998).Menlo Park,CA: Fundación Kaiser para la Familia.

Johnson, M. A. (June, 1998). “Background,” in What’s the Diagnosis — A Study of Sexual Health Coverage in Latino Newspapers, 1997-1998.Menlo Park,CA: Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Also in translation.



Johnson, M. A., & Harris, D. (2019, October). Digital newsrooms in U.S. museums: Information subsidiaries in a shifting media landscape. Public Relations Society of America International Conference.

Adams, M. B., & Johnson, M. A. (2018, August). Acculturation, pluralism, and empowerment: Cultural images as strategic communication on Hispanic nonprofit websites. Minorities and Communication Division, Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication. Washington, D.C.

Johnson, M. A., & Lee, C-J. (2018, May). NAFTA and the Simpatico years: Mexican lobbying in the United States 1992-2017. International Communication Association Post-conference, “Lobbying and Democracy: The Voice of Communication,” Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.

Johnson, M. A., & Rendon, H. (2018, May). Goodbye, neighbor: Mexican media coverage of the Trump wall and U.S. immigration proposals. Global Communication/Social Change Division, International Communication Association, Prague, Czech Republic.

Johnson, M. A., & Lee, C-J. (2018, April). Illuminating truths about the neighbor: Mexican public relations in the United States since NAFTA, 1992-2017, World PR Forum, Oslo, Norway.

Johnson, M. A. (2017, November). Communicating identity histories in ethnic museum public relations. PR and Society Conference, European Communication Research and Education Association, Organizational and Strategic Communication Section, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Johnson, M. A. (2015, August). Branding and culture in the Model of Country Concept: Digital diplomacy by Scotland, Catalonia, and the Basque Country. Nation Branding and Public Diplomacy Symposium, Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco.

Johnson, M. A., & Pettiway, K. (2015, August). Visual expressions of Black identity: African American and African Museum Web sites. Visual Communication Division, Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, San Francisco.

Rendon, H., & Johnson, M. A. (2015, May). Media coverage of children at the border: A “minor” problem. Ethnicity and Race Division, International Communication Association, Puerto Rico.

De Moya, M., Rendon, H., & Johnson, M. A. (2015, May). Frame building in immigration news: Ethnic and general market news about the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program. Ethnicity and Race Division, International Communication Association, Puerto Rico.

Johnson, M. A., & Cester, X. (2014, September). Communicating Catalan culture in global society. World Public Relations Forum, Madrid.

Johnson, M. A. (2012, May). Visual fidelity in network news coverage of Arizona’s immigrants and SB 1070.  International Communication Association, Phoenix.

Johnson, M. A., & Sink, W.T.  (2011, June). Cultural organization websites and self categorization concepts. VisCom 25, Taos, New Mexico.

Johnson, M. A., & Smith, C. (2010, March). Finding a digital voice: An analysis of American Indian, African American, Asian American, Latino, and Southeast Asian Indian web portals. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication Southeast Colloquium, Chapel Hill, North Carolina.

Martin, K. & Johnson, M. A. (2010, April). Digital credibility and digital dynamism in public relations blogs. Southern States Communication Association. Memphis, TN.

Johnson, M. A. (2008, May). Toward an ethnic media theory: Incorporating self-categorization theory into an ethnic media model. International Communication Association, Montreal. First place award in Interactive Top Papers, Ethnicity and Race in Communication Division.

Johnson, M.A., Davis, J. L., & Cronin, S. (2007, May). Mexican expatriates vote? U.S. newspaper coverage of the 2006 Mexican elections. International Communication Association, San Francisco.

Johnson, M. A. (2006, June). Good neighbor, no neighbor: U.S. network television’s portrayals of Mexico’s President Vicente Fox. International Communication Association, Dresden, Germany.

Johnson, M. A. (2005, May). Mexican public relations in the United States: Public relations roles before and after NAFTA. International Communication Association, New York.

Johnson, M. A. (2003, July/August). Mexican presidential elections and inaugurations: U.S. network news coverage, 1970-2000. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Kansas City.

Johnson, M. A. (2003, May). Immigrant images: U.S. network news coverage of Mexican immigration, 1971-2000. International Communication Association, San Diego.

Johnson, M. A. (2002, August). Five decades of Mexican public relations in the United States: From propaganda to strategic counsel. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Miami.

Johnson, M. A. (2002, August). Inserting visual communication into ethnic media models. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Miami.

Johnson, M. A. (2001). Constructing a new model of ethnic media: Image-saturated Latina magazines as touchstones. National Communication Association, Atlanta.

Johnson, M. A. (2001, May). Mexico in motion: Mexico in U.S. newsreels of the 1930s-1950s.  International Communication Association, Washington, D.C.

Johnson, M. A., David, P., & Huey, D. (1999, August). Looks like me? Body image in Hispanic women’s magazines. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, New Orleans.

Johnson, M. A. (1999, May). How ethnic are U.S. ethnic media? The case of Latino women’s magazines. International Communication Association, San Francisco.

Johnson, M. A. Sex (1998, August). Without consequence: Sexual health content in Latino magazines. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Baltimore.

Johnson, M. A. (1997, July). Pre-television images and news determinants: Mexicans in newsreels, 1919-1932. World Communication Association, San Jose, Costa Rica.

Johnson, M. A. (1997, May). Pre-television stereotypes: Mexicans in newsreels, 1919-1932. International Communication Association, Montreal.

Johnson, M. A. (1996, November). Public relations and technology: Practitioner perspectives. Speech Communication Association, San Diego. Top Three Paper in Public Relations.

Long, L., Javidi, M., Long, P., & Johnson, M. A. (1996, November). Developing professionalism in public relations: Theoretical, pedagogical, and practical solutions. Speech Communication Association, San Diego.

Johnson, M. A. (1995, April). Latina gender role, acculturation, and television. Southern States Communication Association, New Orleans. Top Four Paper in Intercultural Communication.

Johnson, M. A. (1995, May). The role of television in Latinas’ realities: Acculturation and acculturation stress. International Communication Association, Albuquerque.

Johnson, M. A. (1993, May). U.S. television imports in three Latin American countries. International Communication Association, Miami.


De Moya, M., & Johnson, M. A. (2013, August). Prolonging the danger: How the mass and Latino ethnic media framed the “immigrant threat” in the context of Obama’s Deferred Action Program. Political Communication and Minorities and Media Divisions. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Washington, D.C.

Johnson, M. A. (2012, May). Battleground Arizona: Visual fidelity in network news coverage of Arizona’s Immigration Law.” International Communication Association, Phoenix.

Johnson, M. A. (2010, August). Visual ethics in public relations. Professional Freedom & Responsibility Panel, Visual Communication Division and Public Relations Division. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver.

Johnson, M. A. (2010, August). Using digital resources in ethnicity, race, and/or international communication classes.  Teaching Panel, Minorities and Communication Division and International Communication Division. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Denver.

Johnson, M. A. (2008, August). U.S. Latinos, Latin Americans, and new media technologies. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.

Johnson, M. A. (2008, August). Service learning in graduate communication programs. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.

Johnson, M. A. (2008, April). Developing websites to influence graduate admissions and external funding. Association for College Administrators, Southern States Communication Association. Savannah, GA.

Johnson, M. A. & Kim, D. (2007, March/April). Diffusing and framing the concept of public art: News coverage of the failed Plensa project. Southern States Communication Association. Louisville, KY.

Johnson, M. A. (2007, March/April). Public relations and identity with the creative class: Re-inserting creativity into the public relations curriculum. Southern States Communication Association. Louisville, KY.

Johnson, M. A. (2004, August). Immigrant images. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Toronto.

Johnson, M. A. (2003, May). The new technocrats: Covering U.S.-Mexico presidential relations in Mexico’s de la Madrid, Salinas de Gotari, and Zedillo Administrations. International Communication Association, San Diego.

Johnson, M. A. (2002, August). Incorporating visual communication into ethnic media models. Participant in Latino Communication Research: Past, Present, Future. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Miami.

David, P. & Johnson, M. A. (1997, July/August). The effects of mass media on women’s body image perceptions: A test of third-personal effects. Association of Educators in Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.

Area(s) of Expertise

Dr. Johnson's research explores digital and visual communication concepts in international news, international public relations, ethnic media, and ethnic public relations.