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Lada Kochtcheeva


School of Public and International Affairs

Winston Hall 121


Dr. Lada Kochtcheeva is a Professor of Political Science in the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University. Her academic interests and expertise include environmental politics and policy, comparative politics, politics of post-Soviet and post-Communist countries, regulation and administration, environmental democracy, political institutions, and comparative social movements.

Her research is particularly focused on environmental regulatory policy issues, Russian politics, and globalization from comparative historical and institutionalist perspectives. Her first book, titled Comparative Environmental Regulation in the United States and Russia: Institutions, Flexible Instruments, and Governance, examines political and policy pre-conditions for the replacement of command and control systems with flexible instruments such as incentive programs, tradable permits, and pollution charges. Her second book, titled Russian Politics and Response to Globalization, argues that Russia is developing its own vision of global politics and cultivating a pragmatic strategy based on national interest. Her third book, War by Other Means: Western Sanctions on Russia and Moscow’s Response, (with Angela Borozna), provides a timely overview of Western sanctions on Russia in the aftermath of the Ukraine war; looks at both the Western and Russian perspective on the impact of the sanctions; and examines the effectiveness of sanctions to change foreign policy.

She conducted research and published a report on the impact of the transformed environment on human health while at the UNEP. Her current research centers on the linkages between globalization and the environment, the problems of introducing innovations, the questions of policy and technology changes, and societal environmental awareness under globalization. She has published and presented at national and local conferences multiple pieces on economic and political globalization, policy innovation, and globalization and the environment.


Innovation and Inertia in Russian Environmental Policy. Book MS in progress.

Leader States in Environmental Policy

Renewable Energy in Russia: Whim or Necessity?

Climate Change Policies at the U.S. State Level: Evidence, Complexity, and Challenges to Comprehensive Strategies.



War by Other Means: Western Sanctions on Russia and Moscow’s Response. (with Angela Borozna). 2024. Palgrave Macmillan.

Russian Politics and Response to Globalization. 2020. London, New York: Palgrave Macmillan.

Comparative Environmental Regulation in the United States and Russia:  Institutions, Flexible Instruments, and Governance. 2009. Albany, NY: SUNY Press.

Articles and Chapters:

Gremaud, A., and Kochtcheeva, L. 2024. The role of non-state actors in promoting environmental justice: A comparative study of Kenya and South Africa. GeoJournal 89, 110 (2024).

Kochtcheeva, L. 2023. The Changing Face of Globalization: World Order Crisis, (In)-security Challenges, and Russia’s Adaptation to Globalization. In: Globalization: Past, Present & Future, Eds. by Steger, M. B., Benedikter, R., Pechlaner, H., and Kofler, I. University of California Press.

Kochtcheeva, Lada. 2022. Globalization and the Environment: Economic Changes and Challenges. In: Handbook of Global Environmental Politics. Ed. Paul G. Harris. Routledge.

Kalokoh, Amidu and Kochtcheeva, Lada. 2022. Governing the Artisanal Gold Mining Sector in the Mano River Union: A Comparative Study of Liberia and Sierra Leone. Journal of International Development

Kochtcheeva, Lada V. 2021. Foreign Policy, National Interests and Environmental Positioning: Russia’s Post Paris Climate Change Actions, Discourse, and Engagement. Problems of Post-Communism.

Kochtcheeva, Lada V. 2020. The Implosion of Global Liberal World Order and Russian Foreign Policy: Dimensions, Tensions, and Prospects. Vestnik RUDN/International Relations, 20(3): 463-475.

Kochtcheeva, Lada. V. 2018. Renewable Energy in China, Brazil and India: Fueling Economies, Reducing Risks, and Conserving Resources. Eds: M. Grabowski and P. Laidler. Development Policy in the World in the 21st Century, Peter Lang Verlag.

Kochtcheeva, Lada. 2017. Contradictions of “Grey Zone” Conflict. Analysis. Re-Thinking Russia. April 2, 2017.

Kochtcheeva, Lada. 2016. Renewable Energy: Global Challenges. In: Environment, Climate Change and International Relations. Eds: Atkins, Ed and Gustavo Sosa-Nunez. E-International Relations.

Kochtcheeva, Lada. 2014. Globalization and the Environment: Markets, Finance and Trade. In: Handbook of Global Environmental Politics. Ed. Paul G. Harris. Routledge.

Kochtcheeva, Lada. V. 2013. Globalization and the Environment in the Emerging Economies: Increased Imbalance, New Momentum, or Stalemate? New Global Studies. 7(3): 57-86.

Kochtcheeva, Lada. 2011. Air Quality Policy. In: Governing America: Major Policies and Decisions of Federal, State, and Local Government from 1789 to the Present, Ed-s. Paul Quirk and William Cunion. New York: Facts-on-File.

Kochtcheeva, Lada V. 2010. Russia’s Response to Globalization: Europeanization, Americanization and Self-determination. New Global Studies. 4(2).

Kochtcheeva, Lada.V. 2009. Administrative Discretion and Environmental Regulation: Agency Substantive Rules and Court Decisions in U.S. Air and Water Quality Policies. Review of Policy Research. 26(3).

Kochtcheeva, L. V. and A. Singh. 2003. An Ecosystem Approach to Human Health. In: Managing For Healthy Ecosystems. Ed-s. D.J.Rapport, W.L. Lasley, D.E. Rolston, N.O. Nielsen, C.O. Qualset, and A.B. Damania. Boca Raton, FL, USA: Lewis Publishers.

Kochtcheeva, L. V. 2002. Environmental Disaster in the Post-Communist Countries: Is There a Solution? Environmental Practice. 4(1).

Kochtcheeva, L.V. and A. Singh. 2001. An Assessment of Risks and Threats to Human Health due to the Collapse/Degradation of the Ecosystem. In: Challenges and Strategies for Implementing the Ecosystem Approach to Human Health in Developing Countries. Ed-s. G. Feola and R. Bazzani. IRDC and UNEP, 17-29.

Kochtcheeva, L.V. and A. Singh. 2000. An Assessment of Risks and Threats to Human Health due to the Degradation of the Ecosystem. UNEP Report. UNEP/DEIA&EW/TR.00-1.


Ph.D. Political Science University of Oregon 2005

M.S. Political Science University of Oregon 2003

M.E.S. Environmental Policy The Evergreen State College 2000

B.S. Ecology and Nature Management Russian University of Peoples' Friendship 1998

Area(s) of Expertise

Dr. Kochtcheeva's academic interests and expertize include comparative politics, politics of post-Soviet and post-Communist countries, environmental politics and policy, regulation and administration, environmental democracy, political institutions, comparative social movements, and transitions to democracy. Her research is particularly focused on environmental regulatory policy issues, Russian politics, and globalization from comparative historical and institutionalist perspectives. Her current research centers on the nature of domestic responses to globalization and the linkages between globalization and environment.