Lindsey McGowen
Senior Research Scholar
Director, Innovation Studies Lab
Department of Psychology
Poe Hall 726
Dr. Lindsey McGowen is a Senior Research Scientist in the Department of Psychology at North Carolina State University where she leads the Innovation Studies Lab. Dr. McGowen’s research focuses on program evaluation for cooperative science and technology programs, particularly the outcomes and impacts of cooperative research centers involving collaboration between academia and the private sector. With over a decade of experience, Dr. McGowen has pioneered work on program sustainability for cooperative research centers. She has served as the Director of the NSF-sponsored Industry-University Cooperative Research Centers (IUCRC) Evaluation Project. In addition to her work with the NSF IUCRC program, Dr. McGowen has led program evaluations for NSF ERC and CoPe Centers; NSA Science of Security Lablet program; and USDA CAPs, Centers of Excellence, and SAS grant programs. Dr. McGowen received her B.S. in Psychology & Communication from Lewis & Clark College. She received her Ph.D. and M.S. degrees in Psychology in the Public Interest from North Carolina State University.
Funded Research
Evaluator, NSF Large-scale CoPe: Coastal Hazards, Equity, Economic prosperity, and Resilience (CHEER) at Univ. of Deleware, Boston Univ., Cornell Univ. East Carolina Univ., Univ. of North Carolina, Univ. of Oklahoma, Stony Brook Univ., Texas A&M Univ., Univ. of California-Los Angeles, and Univ. of Florida., 2022-2027
Evaluator, NSF Nanosystems Engineering Research Center (ERC) for Directed Multiscale Assembly of Cellular Metamaterials with Nanoscale Precision: CELL-MET at Boston Univ., Univ. of Michigan, and Florida International Univ., 2019-2027
Evaluator, USDA AFRI SAS, Creating a new bioeconomy for dairies to increase nutrient recycling, enhance productivity of crops, and stimulate prosperity in rural America at Univ. of Idaho, 2020-2025
Evaluator, USDA AFRI SAS, Sustainable, Systems-Based Solutions for Ensuring Low-Moisture Food Safety at Michigan State Univ., Purdue Univ., Ohio State Univ., Univ. of California-Davis, Washington State Univ., Univ. of Arkansas, Illinois Institute of Tech., and USDA, 2020-2025
PI, NSF Industry/University Cooperative Research Centers Evaluation Project, NC State Univ., 2016-2021
Evaluator, USDA NIFA, Center of Excellence for Food Safety Technologies using Microwave Energy at Washington State Univ., 2016-2021
Evaluator, USDA NIFA, Enhancing Low-Moisture Food Safety by Improving Development and Implementation of Pasteurization Technologies at Michigan State Univ., 2015-2022
Evaluator, NSA Science of Security Lablet, NC State Univ., 2014-2017
Ph.D. Psychology North Carolina State University 2012
M.S. Psychology North Carolina State University 2010
B.A. Psychology and Communication Lewis and Clark College 2003
Area(s) of Expertise
program evaluation, cooperative research centers, collaboration, science & technology policy evaluation, innovation studies