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Heidi Hobbs

Interim Associate Dean for Academic and Faculty Affairs


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Dr. Heidi H. Hobbs is an Associate Professor in the School of Public and International Affairs at North Carolina State University. Professor Hobbs has a B.A. (Magna Cum Laude) and M.A. in Political Science from the University of Georgia, as well as a graduate Certificate in Global Policy Studies from UGA. Her Ph.D. is in International Relations from the University of Southern California.

Her books include City Hall Goes Abroad: The Foreign Policy of Local Politics from Sage, 1994 and Pondering Postinternationalism: A Paradigm for the 21st Century, from SUNY Press, 2000. She has also authored other articles, contributed book chapters to other publications and made numerous presentations. Her most recent publication is a textbook with Harry I. Chernotsky entitled, Crossing Borders:  International Studies for the 21st Century,4th. edition.  CQ Press, 2021.

She has previously served as a Fulbright Specialist at the University of Economics in Bratislava, Slovak Republic in 2016, as a Fulbright Scholar to the University of Economics in Prague, Czech Republic in 2017.  Her recent administrative appointments include Interim Director of NC State’s European Center in Prague 2018-2019 and Interim Vice Provost for Global Engagement 2022-2023.

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B.A. Political Science University of Georgia 1978

M.A. Political Science University of Georgia 1981

Ph.D. International Relations University of Southern California 1988