Doug Gillan
Douglas J. Gillan is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Psychology at North Carolina State University in Raleigh, NC. He is a Fellow of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society and Associate Editor of The Journal of Usability Studies. Gillan received a B.A. in Psychology from Macalester College (St. Paul, MN) in 1974 and a Ph.D. in Biopsychology from the University of Texas at Austin in 1978. He was an NSF Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale University and a Sloan Foundation Cognitive Science Fellow at University of Pennsylvania. He worked for 10 years in industry at General Foods Research Center and Lockheed Engineering and Sciences at NASA-JSC, followed by positions in academia at the University of Idaho, and New Mexico State University. His research interests focus broadly on the interaction between humans and technology. He has investigated issues in human-computer interaction and human-robot interaction. Much of his research has centered around the cognitive and perceptual processes that underlie comprehension of graphical and numerical displays of information. In addition, he has published extensively on the relation between science and practice in human factors. The National Science Foundation and the Army Research Laboratory have funded his research
Research Publications
AREA 1 — Information Visualization
Gillan, D. J. (2009). Effects of depth cues on perceived height: The general form of Emmert’s Law. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52th Annual Meeting Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J., & Sorenson, D. (2009). Minimalism and the syntax of graphs: II. Effects of graph background on visual search. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52th Annual Meeting (pp. 1096 – 1100). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J. (2009). A componential model of human interaction with graphs: VII. A review of the Mixed Arithmetic-Perceptual model. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52th Annual Meeting (pp. 829 – 833). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J. (2009). Judging the length of curved lines. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52th Annual Meeting(pp. 1126 – 1130). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J. (2008). Visual representation of arithmetic properties. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52th Annual Meeting (pp. 1609 – 1613). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J., & Gillan, C. T. (2006). Effects of motion on the perception of static features in a display. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting. (pp. 1585 – 1588). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Gillan, D.J., & Sapp, M. V. (2005). The static representation of object motion. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting (pp. 1588 – 1592). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Harrison, C., & Gillan, D.J. (2005). The role of motion in object recognition. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting (pp. 1625 – 1629). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Pazuchanics, S. L., and Gillan, D. J. (2005). Displaying distance in computer systems: A lesson from two-dimensional works of art. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 49th Annual Meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Sapp, M. V., & Gillan, D. J. (2004). Length and area estimation with visual and tactile stimuli. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting (pp. 1875 – 1879). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Sapp, M. V., & Gillan, D. J. (2003). A perceptual paradox: Line and area estimation. In Proceedings of the Collaborative Technology Alliances Conference: Advanced Decision Architectures. (pp. 205 – 210). Army Research Laboratory.
Pazuchanics, S., & Gillan, D. J. (2003). The effect of combining monaural cues to depth within and across modalities. In Proceedings of the Collaborative Technology Alliances Conference: Advanced Decision Architectures. (pp. 217 – 222). Army Research Laboratory.
Strickland, J.., & Gillan, D. J. (2003). Static and dynamic representations of motion in weather displays. In Proceedings of the Collaborative Technology Alliances Conference: Advanced Decision Architectures. (pp. 169 – 174).. Army Research Laboratory.
Strickland, J., Gillan, D. J., & Chadwick,. R. (2003). Static and dynamic representations of motion. In Proceedings of the human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting. pp. 755- 759. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
McDermott, P. Hutchins, S. Barnes, M., Koenecke, C., Gillan, D., & Rothrock, L. (2003). Presentation of risk and uncertainty in the context of National Missile Defense simulations. In Proceedings of the human Factors and Ergonomics Society 47th Annual Meeting. (pp. 562- 566). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Gillan, D. J., & Callahan, A. B. (2000). A componential model of human interaction with graphs. VI. Cognitive engineering of pie graphs. Human Factors, 42, 566 – 591.
Gillan, D. J. (2000). A componential model of human interaction with graphs. V. Using pie graphs to make comparisons. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 44th Annual Meeting(pp. 3.439 – 3.442). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Rice, S. J., & Gillan, D. J. (2000). Effects of graphs on text comprehension. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 44th Annual Meeting(pp. 3.443 – 3.446). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J., and Harrison, C. (1999). A componential model of human interaction with graphs. IV Holistic and analytical perception of star graphs. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting (pp. 1304 – 1307). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J., Schmidt, W., & Hanowski, R. (1999). The effect of the Mueller-Lyer illusion on map reading. Perception and Psychophysics, 61, 1154 – 1167.
Gillan, D. J., Wickens, C.D., Hollands, J. G., & Carswell, C. M. (1998). Guidelines for presenting quantitative data in HFES publications. Human Factors, 40, 28 – 41.
Schmidt, W., & Gillan, D. J. (1996). The Mueller-Lyer illusion produced by features in maps. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 40th Annual Meeting (pp. 1390-1394). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J. (1995). Visual arithmetic, computational graphics, and the spatial metaphor. Human Factors, 37, 766 – 780.
Gillan, D. J., & LaSalle, S. M. (1994). A componential model of human interaction with graphs. III. Spatial orientation. Human Factors Society 38th Annual Meeting, 285 – 289.
Gillan, D. J., & Richman, E. (1994). Minimalism and the syntax of graphs. Human Factors, 36, 619 – 644.
Gillan, D. J., & Lewis, R. (1994). A componential model of human interaction with graphs. I. Linear regression modeling. Human Factors, 36, 419 – 440.
Gillan, D. J. (1993). A componential model of human interaction with graphical displays. SIGCHI Bulletin, 25(3), 64 – 66.
Gillan, D. J., & Neary, M. (1992). A componential model of interaction with graphs. II. The effect of distance between graphical elements. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting, 365 – 368.
Gillan, D. J., Richman, E., & Neary, M. (1992). Minimalism in graphics. CHI’92 Conference Posters and Short Talks, (pp. 75 – 76).
Gillan, D. J., Lewis, R., & Rudisill, M. (1989a). Models of user interactions with graphical interfaces: I. Statistical graphs. In K. Bice and C. Lewis (Eds.). Human factors in computing systems: CHI’89 Conference Proceedings, 375 – 380.
Gillan, D. J., Lewis, R., & Rudisill, M. (1989b). Representation and process in graphics. Third Annual Workshop on Space Operations, Automation, and Robotics (SOAR’89). 661 – 665.
Desaulniers, D., Gillan, D. J., & Rudisill, M. (1988). The effect of format on the display of computer-based procedures. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting, 291 – 295.
AREA 2 — Application of Psychological Principles to Real-World Problems
Relations between Research and Design
Gillan, D. J. (2011). Five questions concerning task analysis. In The handbook of work analysis: The methods, systems, applications, & science of work measurement in organizations (M. A. Wilson, R. J. Harvey, G. Alliger & W. Bennett Jr., Eds.). in press.
Gillan, D. J., & Sapp, M. V. (2005). Out of the box: Approaches to good initial interface designs. In R. Bias and D. Mayhew (Eds.), Cost-justifying usability, 2nd Edition: An update for the internet age (pp. 447 – 464). San Francisco: Morgan-Kaufmann.
Gillan, D. J., & Schvaneveldt, R. W. (1999). Applying cognitive psychology: Bridging the gulf between basic research and cognitive artifacts. In F. T. Durso, R. Nickerson, R. Schvaneveldt, S. Dumais, M. Chi, & S. Lindsay (Eds.), The handbook of applied cognition (pp. 3 – 31). Chichester, England: Wiley.
Bias, R. G., & Gillan, D. J. (1998). Whither the science of human-computer interaction? A debate involving researchers and practitioners. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting (pp. 526). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J. (1997). The psychologies of human-computer interaction. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 41st Annual Meeting (pp. 385-389). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J., & Bias, R. G. (1996). The interface between human factors and design. In G. Perlman, G. K. Green, & M. S. Wogalter (Eds.) Human factors perspectives on human-computer interaction, 296-300, 1996.
Bias, R. G., Gillan, D. J., & Tullis, T. S. (1993). Three usability enhancements to the human factors-design interface. In G. Salvendy and M. J. Smith (Eds.), Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction: HCI International ‘93 (pp. 169 – 174). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Gillan, D. J., & Bias, R. G. (1992). The interface between Human Factors and design. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 36th Annual Meeting, 443 – 447.
Burns, M. J., & Gillan, D. J. (1986a). Uncommon sense about commonality: Human factors aspects. Proceedings of the NASA Workshop on Commonality in Computer Systems, 2-97 – 2-104.
Burns, M. J. & Gillan, D. J. (1986b). Artificial Intelligence meets natural intelligence: The human factors of expert systems. Proceedings of ROBEXS86: Second Annual Workshop on Robotics and Expert Systems, 287 – 297.
Human-Robot Interaction
McDermott, P., Riley, J., Gillan, D. J., & Cuevas, H. (2011). Editors’ introduction to the special issue on improving human-robot interaction in complex operational environments: Translating theory into practice. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, 5, 3- 9.
McDermott, P., Riley, J., Gillan, D. J., & Cuevas, H. (2011). Editors’ introduction to the special issue on improving human-robot interaction in complex operational environments: Translating theory into practice, Part 2. Journal of Cognitive Engineering and Decision Making, in press.
Gillan, D. J., McDermott, P., & Riley, J. (2010). The cognitive psychology of human-robot interaction. In M. Barnes and F. Jentsch (Eds.) Human-robot interactions in future military operations (pp. 53 – 66). London: Ashgate.
Thompson, L. F., & Gillan, D. J. (2010). Social factors in human-robot interaction. In M. Barnes and F. Jentsch (Eds.) Human-robot interactions in future military operations (pp. 67 – 82). London: Ashgate.
Pazuchanics, S. L., Chadwick, R. A., Sapp, M., & Gillan, D. J. (2010). Robots in space and time: The role of object, motion and spatial perception in the control and monitoring of UGVs. In M. Barnes and F. Jentsch (Eds.) Human-robot interactions in future military operations (pp. 83 – 102). London: Ashgate.
Gillan, D.J., (2009). Human-robot interaction: Issues in the design of interfaces for work in distant environments. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 51th Annual Meeting. (pp. 165 – 166). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Chadwick, R., Pazuchanics, S. L., & Gillan, D. J. (2006). What the robot’s camera tells the operator’s brain. In N. Cooke, H. Pringle, H. Pedersen, and O. Conner (Eds.). Advances in human performance and cognitive engineering research: Human factors of remotely piloted vehicles (pp. 373-384). Amsterdam: Elsevier.
Chadwick, R.A., Gillan, D.J., Simon, D., & Pazuchanics, S. (2004). Cognitive analysis methods for control of multiple robots: robotics on $5 a day. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting. (pp. 688-692). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Smith, R. L. & Gillan, D. J. (1987). Human-telerobotics interaction: Information, control, and mental models. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society Annual Meeting. Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Usability Science
McLaughlin, A., Simon, D., & Gillan, D.J. (2010). From intention to input: Motor cognition, motor performance, and the control of technology. In D. Harris (Ed.), Reviews of human factors and ergonomics, Vol. 6 (pp. 123 – 170). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Troberg, E., & Gillan, D. J. (2007). Measuring spatial knowledge: Effects of the relation between acquisition and testing. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 51st Annual Meeting. (pp. 368 – 371). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Gillan, D. J., & Bias, R, G. (2003). Usability science. I: Foundations. International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction, 13, 351 – 372.
Gillan, D. J., & Cooke, N. J. (2001). Using Pathfinder networks to analyze procedural knowledge in interactions with advanced technology. In E. Salas (Ed.) Human-technology interaction in complex systems. Vol. 10 (pp 125 – 161). Greenwich, CT: JAI Press.
Gillan, D. J. (2000). Usability methods at the millennium: How we got here and where we might be going. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society (pp. 1.315 – 1.318). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J. (1999). Usability in perspective. I: Usability and the liberal revolutions. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 43rd Annual Meeting (pp. 433 – 437). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Cooke, N. M., & Gillan, D. J. (1999). Representing human behavior in human-computer interaction. In Encyclopedia of computer science and technology , Vol 40, Supplement 25 (pp. 283 – 308). New York: Marcel Dekker. (also included in Encyclopedia of library and information science).
Gillan, D. J., & Cooke, N. M. (1998). Making usability data more usable. Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 42nd Annual Meeting (pp. 300 – 304). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J. (1994). Cognitive psychophysics and mental models. Human Factors Society 38th Annual Meeting, 256 – 260.
Gillan, D. J., Breedin, S. D., & Cooke, N. J. (1992). Network and multidimensional representations of the declarative knowledge of human-computer interface design experts. International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 36, 587-615.
Gillan, D. J., Holden, K. L., Adam, S., Rudisill, M., & Magee, L. (1992). How should Fitts’ Law be applied to human-computer interaction? Interacting with Computers, 4, 289 – 313.
Gillan, D. J., Holden, K. L., Adam, S., Rudisill, M., & Magee, L. (1990). How does Fitts’ Law fit pointing and dragging? In J. C. Chew & J. Whiteside (Eds.). Human factors in computing systems: CHI’90 Conference Proceedings, 227 – 234.
Gillan, D. J. (1990). Computational human factors. Contemporary Psychology, 35, 1126 – 1128.
Gillan, D. J., & Breedin, S. D. (1990). Models of the human-computer interface. In J. C. Chew & J. Whiteside (Eds.). Human factors in computing systems: CHI’90 Conference Proceedings, 391 – 398.
Assistive Technology
Gillan, D. J., & Barraza, P. (2006). A few seconds of equation reading: A process model of equation reading and its applications. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 50th Annual Meeting. (pp. 1152 – 1155). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Gillan, D. J., Barraza, P., Karshmer, A., & Pazuchanics, S. (2004). Cognitive analysis of equation reading: Application to the development of the Math Genie. In K. Miesenberger, J. Klaus, W. Zagler, and D. Burger (Eds.), Computers Helping People with Special Needs (pp. 630 – 637). Berlin: Spring-Verlag.
Barraza, P., Gillan, D. J., Karshmer, A., & Pazuchanics, S. (2004). A cognitive analysis of equation reading applied to the development of assistive technology for visually-impaired students. In Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting (pp. 922 – 926). Santa Monica, CA: Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.
Karshmer, A.I., and Gillan, D. (2003). How well can we read equations to blind mathematics students: Some answers from psychology. In Proceedings of the 2003 Human Computer Interface International Conference, Crete, Greece.
Kottapally, K., Ngo, C., Reddy, R., Pontelli, E., Son, T.C., & Gillan, D. (2002). Towards the creation of accessibility agents for non-visual navigation of the web (a progress report). In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Universal Usability (pp. 171 . 181). New York: ACM Press.
Pontelli, E., Xiong, W., Saad, E., Gupta, G., Gillan, D., & Karshmer. A. (2003). Non-visual Navigation of Tables, Frames, and XML Fragments, In Proceedings of the International Conference on Assistive Technologies, ACM Press.
Pontelli, E. Gillan, D., Gupta, G., Karshmer, A., Saad, E. & Xiong, W. (2002). Intelligent navigation of complex HTML structures. Universal access in the information society, 2, 56 – 69.
Gillan, D. J.,Bias, R. G., Karshmer, A., Pazuchanics, S., & Pennington, E. (2001). Cognitive engineering and computer-based assistive technologies. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting(pp. 599 – 604). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J., Gregory, R. J., and Fogas, B. S. (1992). The design of usable computer aids for cognitive rehabilitation. Proceedings of the World Congress of Technology for the Disabled, 1 – 16.
Education of Human Factors Professionals
Gillan, D. J. (1995). HCI at New Mexico State University. CHI’95 Conference Companion (pp. 162 – 163).
Gillan, D. J., & Cooke, N. J. (1995). Methods of cognitive analysis for HCI. CHI’95 Conference Companion (pp. 349 – 350).
Dingus, T. A., & Gillan, D. J. (1991). The thesis simulation: An approach for teaching research skills in a remote, non-thesis program. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 35th Annual Meeting, 505 – 507.
Gillan, D. J. (1988). Cognitive Science preparation for work in artificial intelligence. Proceedings of the ISA 1988, 1503 – 1508.
Human Factors and the Design of Spacecraft
Rudisill, M., & Gillan, D. J. (1989). Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory: NASA Johnson Space Center. In K. Bice and C. Lewis (Eds.). Human factors in computing systems: CHI’89 Conference Proceedings, 55 – 56.
Gillan, D. J., Rudisill, M., Holden, K. L., McKay, T., Lewis, R., & Adam, S. (1988). The Space Station Common User Interface. A videotape presentation at the Annual Meeting of the Human Factors Society, Anaheim, CA.
Gillan, D. J., Rudisill, M., Holden, K. L., McKay, T., Lewis, R., & Adam, S. (1988). Space Station Freedom Program Human-Computer Interface Guide, Version 2.1. NASA User Support Environment Document 1000.
Gillan, D. J., et al. (1988). Designing the user interface for the Space Station. Proceedings of the 1988 User-System Interface Conference (USICON), 225 – 231.
Gillan, D. J., Burns, M. J., Nicodemus, C. L., & Smith, R. L. (1986). The Space Station: Human factors and productivity. Human Factors Society Bulletin, 29(11), 1 – 3.
AREA 3 — Knowledge Acquisition by Instruction, Inference, and Associative Learning
Team Training
Lee, A., Bond, G., Scarbrough, P., Gillan, D. & Cooke, N. (2007). Team training and transfer in differing contexts. Cognitive Technology, 12, 17‐29.
Metaphors for Computers
Gilman, E.., & Gillan, D. J. (2001). Metaphors as tools for restructuring knowledge. In Proceedings of Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 45th Annual Meeting(pp. 612 – 616). Santa Monica, CA: HFES.
Gillan, D. J., Fogas, B. S., Aberasturi, S. M., & Richards, S. (1995). Effects of cognitive ability and computing experience on interpreting computer metaphors. Proceedings of the Human Factors Society 39th Annual Meeting (pp. 243 – 247).
Gillan, D. J., & Bias, R. G. (1994). The use and abuse of metaphors in human-computer interaction. In IEEE International conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (pp. 1434 – 1439). New York: IEEE.
Multimedia-Based Instruction
Lee, A. Y., Gillan, D. J., & Harrison, C. (1996). Assessing the effectiveness of a multimedia-based lab for upper-division psychology students. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 28, 295 – 299.
Lee, A. Y., Gillan, D. J., Melton, J. S., & Upchurch, E. (1995). Does multimedia produce better learning? Yes and no. CHI’95 Conference Posters and Short Talks, (pp. 75 – 76).
Gillan, D. J. (1984). Inferences and the acquisition of knowledge by chimpanzees. In A. Wagner, R. Herrnstein, & M. Commons (Eds.), Quantitative Analyses of Behavior: Vol. IV. Discrimination Processes.
Gillan, D. J. (1983) Ascent of apes. In D. Griffin (Ed.), Animal Mind-Human Mind. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
Gillan, D. J. (1981). Reasoning in the chimpanzee: II. Transitive inferences. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 7, 150 – 164.
Gillan, D. J., Premack, D., and Woodruff, G. (1981). Reasoning in the chimpanzee: I. Analogical reasoning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 7, 1 – 17.
Associative Learning: Processes in Pavlovian Conditioning
Rescorla, R. A. & Gillan, D. J. (1980). An analysis of the facilitative effect of similarity upon second-order conditioning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 6, 339 – 351.
Speers, M. A., Gillan, D. J., & Rescorla, R. A. (1980). Within-compound associations in a variety of conditioning procedures. Learning and Motivation, 11, 135 – 149.
Associative Learning: Ingestive Behavior
Gillan, D. J. (1979). Learned suppression of ingestion: Role of discriminative stimuli, ingestive responses, and aversive tastes. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 5, 258 – 272.
Domjan, M., Foster, K., & Gillan, D. J. (1979). Effects of distribution of the drug unconditioned stimulus on taste aversion learning. Physiology and Behavior, 23, 931 – 938.
Gillan, D. J. & Domjan, M. (1977). Taste aversion conditioning with expected versus unexpected drug treatment. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 3, 297 – 309.
Domjan, M., Gillan, D. J., & Trent, J. M. (1976) Reinforcing properties of novel and familiar solutions of saccharin for rats. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 7, 151 – 153.
Domjan, M. & Gillan, D. J. (1976). Role of novelty in the aversion for increasingly concentrated saccharin solutions. Physiology and Behavior, 16, 537 – 542.
Associative Learning: Drug Responses
Domjan, M., Gillan, D. J., & Gemberling, G. A. (1980). Aftereffects of lithium-conditioned stimuli on consummatory behavior in the presence and absence of the drug. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 6, 49 – 64.
Domjan, M., Gemberling, G. A., & Gillan, D. J. (1980). Increased drinking stimulated by exposure to lithium-conditioned taste cues: Effects of conditioning trials and drug dose. Pharmacology, Biochemistry, and Behavior, 12, 789 – 795.
Domjan, M. & Gillan, D. J. (1977). Aftereffects of lithium-conditioned stimuli on consummatory behavior. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes, 3, 322 – 334.
Area 4: The Relation Between Sensation and Cognition in Taste Psychophysics
Gillan, D. J. (1984). Central and peripheral processes in taste adaptation. Perception and Psychophysics, 35, 1 – 4.
Gillan, D. J. (1983). Taste-taste, odor-odor, and taste-odor mixtures: Greater suppression within than between modalities. Perception and Psychophysics, 33, 183 – 185.
Gillan, D. J. (1982). Mixture suppression: The effects of spatial separation of sucrose and NaCl. Perception and Psychophysics, 32, 504 – 510
Funded Research
Proposal Funding Agency Amount (in $’s) Year
1. Trust In HRI ARL $32,600 2010
2. Kinesthetic Workload ARL/MAAD $25,000 2006
3. Cognition in Extreme Environments ONR $550,000 2004 –05
4. Control of Multiple Robots Army – CECOM $100,000 2003 – 04
5. Advanced Decision Architecture ARL $3,800,000 2001 – 09
6. Aspects of skill acquisition ARI $418,314 2002 – 05
7. Usability Research Austin Usability $3,500 2000
8. Web Accessibility for Blind Users NSF $575,000 1999
9. Pictorial Cues to Depth Microsoft Research $35,000 1999
10. Math Accessible to NSF $601,684 1998
Visually-Impaired Students (co-PI)
11. Analysis of Usability Video Data Microsoft $24,000 1995
12. Computer-Based Training (co-PI) CTE $2,500 1994
13. Usability Assessment X-Soft $8,000 1994
14. Human Factors Internship Battelle PNL $14,500 1992
15. Cognitive Disabilities (co-PI) U of I Research Council $6,000 1992
16. Human-Graph Interaction U of I Research Council $6,000 1991
17. Space Station Food System NASA $1,500,000 1987
(Technical Lead)
18.Cognitive Science Fellowship Sloan Foundation $16,000 1980
19. Post-doctoral Fellowship NSF $12,000 1979
Ph.D. Psychology University of Texas at Austin 1978
Area(s) of Expertise
Applied Perception and Cognition; Human Interaction with Technology; Information Visualization; Universal Usability/Universal Access; Associative and Inferential Learning