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William Clifford

Emeritus Faculty



Research Publications

  • “A Case Study of the Socioeconomic Impacts of Technology Transfer on a Philippine Company: Eliminating Aflatoxin in Peanut-Based Products,” with Robert L. Moxley, C.F. Galvez and M. L. Francisco. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Southern Association of Agricultural Scientists and the Southern Rural Sociological Association, Orlando, Florida, February, 2006.
  • “NC Farm Operators’ Adoption of Nutrient Management Practices,” with Thomas J. Hoban and Alyssa Wittenborn. Final report for the NC Division of Water Quality, 319 Grant Contract EW05043, January, 2006.
  • “The Adoption of New Peanut Nutrition Technology in the Philippines: A Socioeconomic Impact Assessment,” with Robert L. Moxley, C. Jicha, and others. Paper presented at the 4th annual meetings Hawaii International Social Science Conference, Honolulu, Hawaii. June, 2005.
  • “Vitamin A Fortification of Peanut Butter in the Philippines: Socioeconomic Impacts on Families,” with F. Galvez, L. Francisco, R. Moxley, L. Palomar, M. Aquino and K. Jicha. Final report for P-CRSP grant No. RC710-013/4092104 submitted to the University of Georgia P-CRSP Management Program Office, Griffin, Georgia, September, 2004.
  • “Socioeconomic Impact Assessment of Vitamin A Fortification,” with Robert Moxley, Carl Jicha and others. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Rural Sociological Society. 2004.
  • “Environmental World View and Behavior: Consequences of Dimensionality in a Survey of North Carolinians,” with J.E. Nooney, E. Woodrum, and T.J. Hoban. Environment and Behavior, 35 (6): 763-779, 2003.
  • “Environmental Behavior: What are the Religious Effects?,” with Eric Woodrum and Thomas J. Hoban. Paper presented at the annual meetings of the Southern Sociological Society. 2003.