Amber Holland
Ph.D. in Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media
Center for Family and Community Engagement
1911 Bldg 205
Amber Holland graduated with her Ph.D. in Communication, Rhetoric, and Digital Media from NC State University in 2023. Her dissertation title was “Exploring the Resilience Cultivation, Stress, and Coping Mechanisms of Mental Health Professionals During the COVID-19 Pandemic”, and can be accessed here.
Prior to NC State, Amber received degrees in Communication Studies from UNC Greensboro (MA) and Christopher Newport University (CNU). She also holds a Master of Public Administration (MPA) from Old Dominion University.
Currently, Amber is a Senior Research Associate and Communications Strategist at Duke University and a Lecturer in the Department of Communication at NC State University.
Craig, E., Cryer Coupet, Q., Holland, A., & Banerjee, L. (2023). Communication and Identity among Nonresidential Fathers with Children in Kinship Care. In Socha, T. & Waldron,
V. (Eds.) Communicating Fatherhood.
Olson, L. N. & Holland, A. What happened? How did I get here? Consent and sexual assault on a college campus. In E. L. Kirby & M. C. McBride (Eds.), Gender actualized: Cases in communicatively constructing realities (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Olson, L. N. & Holland, A. Instructional materials for case entitled What happened? How did I get here? Consent and sexual assault on a college campus. In E. L. Kirby & M. C. McBride (Eds.), Gender actualized: Cases in communicatively constructing realities (2nd ed.). Dubuque, IA: Kendall Hunt Publishing.
Holland, A., & Olson, L. (2023). A Gendered Phenomenon: Contrapower Sexual Harassment in Higher Education. Paper presented April 2023 at the International Conference on Gender
Research, Northern Ireland, UK.
Holland, A. (2022). A Rhetorical Analysis of the CDC’s Messages on Mental Health and Coping with Stress During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at the Carolina Rhetoric Conference, held virtually.
Holland A. (2022). Respondent: Young Adults’ Self-Esteem and Mental Health: Connections with Social Media. Panel presentation at Eastern Communication Association, Philadelphia, PA.
Holland, A. (2020). Chair: Contesting Hegemonies and Masculinities. Panel presentation at the National Communication Association Conference, Interpersonal Communication division, Baltimore, MD.
Harvell-Bowman, L. (Chair), Borton, I., Ferguson, CLS, Sakina Jangbar, S., Kunkel, A., Wiley, M., Olson, L., Holland, A., Bussiere, C., Reynolds, R., Scott, K., & Weathers, M. (2019). Violence, voice, and victimhood: Activism and social justice in the face of survivorship. A panel discussion at the National Communication Association conference, Activism and Social Justice division, Baltimore, MD.
Holland, A. (2019). “It Isn’t Just People with Power Over Us who can Make Us Feel Vulnerable”: A Phenomenological Analysis of Contrapower Sexual Harassment in the Academy. A paper presentation at the Carolinas Communication Association conference. Hilton Head Island, SC.
Olson, L., Holland, A., Bussiere, C., Nance, C. (2019). Contrapower Sexual Harassment in the Academy: The Graduate Experience of Contrapower. A paper presentation at the Carolinas Communication Association conference. Hilton Head Island, SC.
Holland, A. (2019). Building and Sustaining A Culturally Responsive Classroom: A Teacher Training Workshop. A panel discussion at the Carolinas Communication Association conference. Hilton Head Island, SC.
Holland, A. (2019). Sexual Harassment in the Academy. Paper presented at Assemblages: Anti-Oppression Works, UNCG’s 6th Annual Women’s and Gender Studies Research Symposium. Greensboro, NC.
Holland, A. (2019). Moving Beyond Out Boundaries: Supporting Persuasive Speech Organization in the Classroom. Panel presented at the National Association of Communication Center conference. Greensboro, NC.
Holland, A. (2018). Beyond Basic: Accelerating Learning in the Basic Course. Panel presented at Carolinas Communication Association. Charlotte, NC.
Holland, A. (2018). Why She Stayed: Analyzing a Viral Account of Domestic Violence. Paper presented at Carolinas Communication Association conference. Charlotte, NC.
Holland, A. (2013). The Perceptions of Recently Graduated Sorority Alumnae: The Evolution and Maintenance of Friendship and Communication. Paper presented at Southern States Communication Association conference. Louisville, KY.
Holland, A. (2013). President’s Leadership Program: Encouraging Students to Connect Nature and Culture. Panel presented at Virginia Humanities Conference 2013. Newport News, VA.
B.A. Communication Studies Christopher Newport University 2013
M.P.A. Public Administration Old Dominion University 2015
M.A. Communication Studies UNC Greensboro 2019
Ph.D. Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media NC State University 2023
Area(s) of Expertise
Resilience, Interpersonal and Health Communication, Qualitative Methods, Mental Health