Dru McGill
I am a North American archaeologist who specializes in the study of late pre-Columbian Native American societies, ceramic analysis, material culture, and research and service on the topic of applied ethics. Before joining the NCSU Department of Sociology and Anthropology, I was Curator of Collections at the Glenn A. Black Laboratory of Archaeology at Indiana University.
Based on experiences organizing the Society for American Archaeology (SAA) Ethics Bowl, an event designed to train students in ethical reasoning, I co-authored the book Ethics in Action (SAA Press, 2008). Currently, I serve on the SAA Committee on Ethics, and as an Executive Officer of the World Archaeological Congress (WAC).
At NC State, I enjoy teaching courses across the sub-fields of anthropology, in addition to specialty courses on ceramic analysis, material culture studies, and heritage preservation.
Currently, I am involved in a project aimed at documenting the history of Raleigh’s significant Oberlin Cemetery. This project is being undertaken in collaboration with the Friends of Oberlin Village community group, and the NC State Departments of History and Marine, Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (MEAS). For more information, contact me at the email above.
Research Publications
In review Big Pots for Big Shots Revisited: Social Solidarity and Identity in the Mississippian Communities of Angel Mounds. Submitted to American Antiquity.
2014 Insights from the Analysis of Angel Mounds Pottery Trowels. Southeastern Archaeology Winter 2014 33(2): 189-205.
2014 “Ethics in Archaeology,” in Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith. Springer, New York.
2014 “Archaeological Stewardship,” (with Julie Hollowell) in Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, edited by Claire Smith. Springer, New York.
2010 The Public’s Archaeology: Utilizing Ethnographic Methods to Link Accountability with Education in Archaeological Practice. Archaeologies 6(3): 468-484.
Paper and Poster Presentations
2016 Wartime Collections: Returning a World War II German Symbol of Anthropology Science. Eighth World Archaeological Congress, Kyoto, Japan.
2016 Spatial, Architectural, and Economic Dimensions of Neighborhoods: A Comparison of Three Large Mississippian Sites in Indiana (with Staffan Peterson and Elizabeth Watts), Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
2015 Standardization as Specialization? Negative Painted Pottery at Angel Mounds, Indiana. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, San Francisco, California.
2014 Crafting Community with Plain Pottery at Angel Mounds, Indiana. American Anthropological Association Meeting, Washington D.C.
2014 Variability within Single Ceramic Vessels and its Implications for Archaeological Interpretations. Midwest Archaeological Conference, Champaign-Urbana, Illinois
2014 Big Pots for Big Shots Revisited – Mound and Village Pottery from the Mississippian Site of Angel Mounds. Society for American Archaeology Meeting, Austin, Texas.
B.A. Archeology Boston University 2003
M.A. Anthropology Indiana University 2010
Ph.D. Anthopology Indiana University 2013