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Tyler DeAtley

Graduate Student

Ph.D. in Communication, Rhetoric and Digital Media


Hello there! My name is Tyler DeAtley. I am from Norfolk, VA originally and am in my fourth year with CRDM. I am currently working on research that looks at the intersections of surveillance, protest and countersurveillance practices, and hybrid space through a materialist methodology/framework. I also have done research interests in critical mobilities, memes, online activism, and masculinity. I really enjoy being a GM/DM for 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons and painting miniatures. I currently serve as undergraduate advisor in the Science, Technology, and Society (STS) program. I also am in my 2nd year in the Graduate School Peer Mentorship collaborative. Mentoring, advising, and educating matter greatly, and am joyful that I get to do them here at NCSU.


DeAtley, T. (2019). Mobile Ambivalence at Standing Rock: surveillance, antagonism, and mobility at the Dakota Access Pipeline protests. Journal of Resistance Studies, 2 (5), 37-67.


B.S. Political Science (Political/Legal Studies) Old Dominion University 2012

M.A. Humanities (Political Philosophy and Cultural Criticism in New Media) Old Dominion University 2014