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Corey Johnson

Karla A. Henderson Distinguished Professor

Biltmore Hall (Robertson Wing) NA


Corey Johnson is our new Karla A. Henderson Distinguished Professor, the first funded distinguished professorship in the Department of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management at NC State’s College of Natural Resources. Johnson comes to NC State from the University of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada, where he is a professor in the Department of Recreation and Leisure Studies. He teaches courses on inclusive social justice, recreation, gender and sexuality, qualitative research methods, and the philosophy of science.


  • Ph.D., Recreation and Leisure Studies, The University of Georgia (2002)
  • Graduate Certificate in Qualitative Research Methods, The University of Georgia (2002)
  • Graduate Certificate in Women’s Studies,The University of Georgia (2000)
  • M. S., Recreation Administration University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1998)
  • B. S., Education Bowling Green State University (1995)

Current Research Focus

Johnson’s inquiry focuses on power relations between dominant (white, male, etc.) and non-dominant populations in the cultural contexts of leisure. A qualitative research methodologist, Johnson has co-authored seminal texts such as Fostering Social Justice for Qualitative Inquiry: A Methodological GuidePromiscuous Perspectives: Sex and Leisure and Contemporary Issues in Leisure. His current funded projects focus on technologically mediated social relations, including decreasing gender-based violence on dating apps like Tinder, Bumble and Grindr.