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A student points to their poster while talking with two faculty members.

Mar 28, 2018

38 Students Showcase Graduate Research at NC State Symposium

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences had 38 presenters and six award winners at this year's NC State Graduate Student Research Symposium. 

Jan 16, 2018

Student Contest: Spend a Day With the Dean

Wanted: A Humanities and Social Sciences student with a busy schedule and a sense of adventure. Enter this contest to spend a day side by side with your dean, Jeff Braden. Show him your world, and learn about his. 

Rupert Nacoste

Dec 12, 2017

Year in Review: Our Top Stories of 2017

It's been a busy year for the college. Take a look back at some of our top stories of 2017. 

Jun 16, 2017

Chris Mayhorn to Head NC State’s Department of Psychology

Chris Mayhorn, a professor in the Human Factors and Applied Cognitive Psychology program, will become head of NC State's Psychology Department on July 1, 2017. 

May 15, 2017

Stress Can Trigger Uptick in Illegal Drug Use for Those on Parole, Probation

A recent study finds that even small, day-to-day stressors can cause an increase in illegal drug use among people on probation or parole who have a history of substance use. 

May 2, 2017

College Honors Its Exceptional Faculty

Humanities and Social Sciences faculty were recognized at the college's annual awards reception on April 25, 2017. 

Mar 27, 2017

This College Class On ‘Historical Frauds’ Is Fighting Pseudoscience Head-On

A historian and a psychologist from North Carolina State University decided to investigate whether teaching students tools for critical thinking, based on lessons from history, could help them to avoid being duped by pseudoscience outside the classroom. 

Feb 27, 2017

Psychology Students Design Campus Composting Solution

As a project for a human factors psychology course, graduate students Jenna Darrah, Xing Huang and David Feltner researched, designed and tested a system to divert Talley Student Union’s estimated 34,000 pounds of annual paper towel waste from trash cans to compost bins. 

Feb 22, 2017

Celebrating the Extraordinary: Honoring Our Scholarship Recipients, Donors

Humanities and Social Sciences scholarship recipients got to meet the donors who make their awards possible at the college's annual luncheon honoring both groups on Feb. 16. 

Feb 13, 2017

Brookins Named Outreach and Engagement Faculty Fellow

Craig Brookins, a faculty member in applied social and community psychology and program director for Africana studies in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, has been appointed as an Outreach and Engagement Faculty Fellow at NC State.