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Mar 27, 2014

Donors Help Top Students Reach Their Potential

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences continues to grow as a destination college for talented, top-ranked students from across our state and beyond. Merit scholarships play a critical part in attracting and retaining such students. This year, CHASS awarded more than 100 merit-based scholarships across all its disciplines. A number of scholarship students were able to thank their donors at the college's 2014 Scholarship Luncheon. 

Mar 26, 2014

Students Document Ukranian Unrest, Student Involvement

Two CHASS students -- both Park Scholars – spent their spring break in Ukraine, interviewing students there about their participation in the protests and upheaval roiling the country. Andriy Shymonyak (History and Political Science) and Neel Mandavilli (Political Science) are creating a short documentary about the role of students in the Euromaidan protests. 

Mar 24, 2014

Two CHASS Alums Receive 2014 Watauga Medals

CHASS alumni Peaches Gunter Blank (BA, political science and MA, public administration) and Burley Mitchell (BA, political science) have received the Watauga Medal, the university's highest nonacademic award, for their extraordinary service and commitment to NC State. 

Mar 20, 2014

NC Tech Association CEO Earns National Praise

CHASS alum Brooks Raiford, CEO of the NC Technology Association, has earned the national "TechVoice Champion" award for his advocacy on behalf of the tech sector. Raiford, outgoing president of the CHASS advisory board, is a former president of the NC State student senate and the student body. 

Mar 17, 2014

CHASS Women Lauded for Equity Efforts

Three CHASS women were lauded for their contributions to equity at the 2014 Sisterhood Dinner held on campus by NC State's Council on the Status of Women. Kudos to Deborah Hooker, Mary Wyer and Suzanne Martin. 

Feb 19, 2014

Dean for a Day Diaries

Not even Snowmageddon 2014 could stop the college's "Dean for a Day" from taking place. Our fearless student-turned-dean Tiffany Johnson and dean-turned-student Jeff Braden plowed through their schedules, albeit with modifications borne of Mother Nature. Read their diaries. 

Feb 10, 2014

A Heart to Heart Conversation

March 7, 2014, was a red letter day for the humanities and social sciences, as prominent leaders gathered to discuss "The Heart of the Matter." The discussion builds on a bipartisan report produced at Congress’ request by the American Academy for the Arts and Sciences. The report and our event are intended to help leaders in government, industry and philanthropy understand the importance of the humanities and social sciences for America--and what they need to do to ensure that we continue to have a vibrant, secure and prosperous nation. 

Jan 29, 2014

Q & A with Freeman Hrabowski

Influential educator Freeman Hrabowski led his university to prize chess over football. In an exclusive interview, he discusses his philosophy for sparking a culture change in higher education. Don't miss his lecture on campus Thursday afternoon. 

Jan 22, 2014

January Student of the Month

Brooke Wilner is a sophomore Caldwell Fellow and Benjamin Franklin Scholar, pursuing a degree in both English and Aerospace Engineering. She is involved with the Feed The Pack Food Pantry, Writing and Speaking Tutorial Services, and CSLEP's Leadership in Action program. She studied abroad at Oxford in Summer 2013. 

Jan 9, 2014

Alum Defends the Environment

Tomás Carbonell ('02) earned dual degrees in engineering and in CHASS. He says his experiences at NC State and the intense multidisciplinary education he received here were foundational to his work as an environmental attorney with the Environmental Defense Fund.