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Dean Braden

Jeff Braden walking in door with his wife, Jill

Jul 1, 2021

How Do You Honor a Dean? With a CeleBraden

NC State's College of Humanities and Social Sciences celebrated Dean Jeff Braden with a food drive.

Mar 6, 2017

Side by Side with the Dean: Kaitlin Fritz Wins Contest

Congratulations to senior English major Kaitlin Fritz, the winner of the college’s 2017 Side by Side with the Dean contest.


Jul 1, 2015

“I am …” Humanities and Social Sciences at NC State

Students graduating with a degree from NC State's Humanities and Social Sciences become entrepreneurs, scholars, business leaders and thoughtful citizens. They forge careers that require intellectual flexibility, outstanding communication skills, broad knowledge of the world, and a sophisticated understanding of human beings and their challenges.

Students at commencement

May 25, 2015

Congrats, #NCState15!

Our alumni numbers swelled on May 9, when 950 NC State students earned their undergraduate or graduate degree in Humanities and Social Sciences. Dean Jeff Braden shares his pride in them, and his hopes for them.

Feb 26, 2015

A Day in a Different Life: Dean for a Day

Dean Jeff Braden became a social work student for a day, handing over leadership of Humanities and Social Sciences to Caterina Schenck. Student Braden and Dean Schenck share their experiences -- that included an educational summit with UNC President Tom Ross, NC State Chancellor Randy Woodson, Governor McCrory and others -- and their insights in this post.

Jan 20, 2015

Swapping Schedules: Dean for a Day Jan 28

College Dean Jeff Braden will switch places with social work student Caterina Schenck on January 28. He'll take her classes and have lunch with her friends, while she runs the college. It's the annual Dean for a Day event.

Nov 24, 2014

Seeking Global Strategic Partners: Travels to Uganda

NC State seeks out strategic partners around the globe. That quest took Dean Jeff Braden to Uganda recently, where he led a university delegation to explore the potential for partnerships between Makarere University, the Kingdom of Buganda, The Aids Support Organization (TASO), and the Maamma Watali Project. His goal was to assess the resources, capabilities and needs there in order to advise NC State's Office of International Affairs on whether or how to proceed in developing these international partnerships.

Nov 15, 2014

Step Up to Rule as Dean for a Day

Now's your chance, undergrads: Lead the College of Humanities and Social Sciences, just for a day. Meanwhile, hand over your schedule to Dean Jeff Braden and give him a taste of student life. Our college's sixth annual Dean for a Day contest is underway.

Sep 6, 2014

Dean Braden Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge

CHASS Dean Jeff Braden took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge he received from Karen Bullock, Head of the CHASS Dept. of Social Work. And he issued a few challenges of his own. Heads up, arts and sciences deans at UNC-G, UNC-CH, and App State University.

Jun 28, 2014

Dean’s Reflections: Undergraduate Research Makes An Impact

CHASS Dean Jeff Braden reflects on the high-impact educational experiences that profoundly affect students, including the opportunity to conduct research. Watch the video he shares that highlights some very cool student research projects.