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Two Psychology Professors Elected American Psychological Association Fellows

Poe Hall

NC State psychology professors Jing Feng and Kelly Lynn Mulvey have been elected fellows of the American Psychological Association (APA). It is the leading scientific and professional organization representing psychology in the nation.

The APA grants fellow status to members whose work has had an impact on the field of psychology beyond the local, state or regional level.

Feng is an associate professor in the Human Factors and Applied Cognition Program in the Department of Psychology. Her honor was awarded by the APA’s Division 21: Applied Experimental and Engineering Psychology.

Feng conducts research integrating theories of attention and relevant applications in human factors. On the theoretical side, she studies attention across the visual field, individual differences and age-related changes in attention, and the effects of cognitive training. On the practical side, she applies these theoretical findings to understand aging and driving, driver distraction, driver-automation interaction and the design of information displays. For more information, visit Feng’s faculty page.

Mulvey is an associate professor in the Lifespan Developmental Program in the Department of Psychology. Her honor was awarded by the APA’s Division 7: Developmental Psychology.

Mulvey’s research focuses on social-cognitive development and examines the theory of mind, social exclusion and group dynamics. Her work also centers on intergroup contexts and examines the influence of children’s bias, prejudice and stereotypes on their intergroup relations. In addition, she studies broadening the participation of underrepresented groups in STEM fields and understanding stereotypes about who can and should be a scientist. For more information, visit Mulvey’s faculty page.