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a woman stands before a classroom of young children. her body language shows that she is listening carefully to one of the students

Jul 23, 2024

Even in ‘Care Work,’ Women Face Lower Wages if They Have Kids

Mothers get paid less than either men or women without children, even in fields that are traditionally thought of as being “women’s work.” We discussed the research with co-author and professor of sociology Anna Manzoni. 

May 13, 2024

Two Faculty Members Named National Humanities Center Fellows

English professor Belle Boggs and history professor Susanna Lee have been named National Humanities Center Fellows and will spend the next academic year working on individual research projects. 

A replica of the Dueling Dinosaurs fossil

Apr 16, 2024

Museum Partnership Invites the Public Into Research

Within the glass-walled labs of the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, you’ll find NC State faculty — and students — making scientific discoveries before your eyes. Paul Brinkman, teaching associate professor of history, is one of these faculty members. 

image shows a sign that reads "CRI$IS"

Apr 1, 2024

Study Suggests Taking an Aggressive Stance in Crisis Communications Costs Companies Money

The bottom line? When a company took an aggressive stance, its stock price dropped. Associate Professor of Communication Alice Cheng and Ph.D. student Jaekuk Lee co-authored the paper discussing the findings. 

photo shows a classroom of students watching a teacher. the hairstyles of the three kids in the back row suggest they are of different races (you only see them from behind)

Mar 13, 2024

No, An Anti-Racist Program in Schools Didn’t Stress Out Kids

A new study co-authored by Associate Professor of Psychology Kelly Lynn Mulvey finds an anti-racist intervention did not cause stress or feelings of alienation among high school students. 

a gavel rests on a white table

Mar 6, 2024

What Drives ‘Drug-Induced Homicide’ Prosecutions in North Carolina?

A new study co-authored by Assistant Professor of Anthropology Jennifer Carroll finds the desire to reduce overdose deaths is spurring DIH prosecutions. However, the evidence suggests it may be harming public health. 

young woman leans against a wall with her hair hanging into her face

Mar 4, 2024

It’s Not Just You: Young People Look, Feel Older When They’re Stressed

A new study co-authored by Shevaun Neupert, professor of psychology, finds younger adults look and feel older on stressful days – but only on days when they also feel they have relatively less control over their own lives. 

black and white photo shows the bars of a prison cell

Feb 13, 2024

Studying the Impact of U.S. Penal System ‘Pay-to-Stay’ Policies

Until now, little research has been done on the impact these policies have on incarcerated people, their families, and their communities. Associate Professor of Sociology April Fernandes is co-leading a team that will analyze the policies. 

Jan 30, 2024

Tackling the Shortage of School Psychologists

Psychology professor Isaac Woods is investigating ways to boost the number of school psychologists in North Carolina amid concerns about students’ mental health. His research could serve as a model for other states. 

photo shows rear view of a woman sitting on a hillside and looking thoughtfully into the distance

Jan 24, 2024

Study: The More People Know About Pregnancy, the More Likely They Are to Support Access to Abortion

A new study co-authored by political science professor Steven Greene reveals that the more people know about pregnancy, the more likely they are to oppose legislation that limits women’s access to abortions – regardless of political ideology.