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Faculty and Staff

CHASS Seeks Proposals for Wellness and Belonging Mini-Grant Program

The College of Humanities and Social Sciences invites all faculty, staff and students across the college to submit proposals for initiatives and programs that further wellness and belongingness and the academic mission of CHASS.

Through its Wellness and Belonging Mini-Grant program, the college hopes to generate ideas, foster initiatives and stimulate efforts tailored to the needs of CHASS, and its various constituencies at NC State. The college’s Office of Faculty and Staff Development and Success sponsors the program.

Ten proposals will be selected and each will receive up to $3,000. State funds totaling up to $30,000 will be distributed by December 2024 to support funded proposals. Prior to submitting a proposal, please ensure spending plans for the proposal align with state spending guidelines and will fully exhaust the financial support by May 31, 2025. The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on Oct. 31 and all proposals must be submitted online.  

Proposals aimed at achieving one or more of the goals listed below are encouraged:

  • Create a welcoming and inclusive work and learning environment in which all can thrive.
  • Enhance our sense of wellness and belonging.
  • Offer an approach that highlights CHASS’s strengths and/or addresses gaps through new programs and initiatives, or the improvement of existing ones.

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

  • Address one or more of the target areas.
  • Build or inform permanent structures and programs, showing development toward a sustained and continuing effort.
  • Promote partnerships to address the targeted area.
  • Serve as a seed grant to enhance or build an initiative. 

Awardees must complete a final report, up to three pages, and submit it to the Office of Faculty and Staff Development and Success by May 31, 2025. They must also present their research findings at the fall 2025 Mini-Grant Symposium, which will be held during CHASS’s fall 2025 Wellness Week.

View the full call for proposals.