Dean for a Day will be a Freaky Friday
Remember Freaky Friday, the movie where two people switch bodies–and lives–for 24 hours? On Friday, March 15, CHASS will host the college’s own role-swapping Friday: the annual Dean for a Day event.
Dean Jeff Braden will switch places with Andriy Shymonyak, a double major in History and Political Science. Shymonyak is also a Park Scholar and a University Honors Teaching Assistant.
As dean for a day, Shymonyak will take over the dean’s busy schedule. For starters, he’ll meet with the college’s administrative leadership team, confer with the development office staff, and have lunch with the CHASS Advisory Board president.
The dean’s day as a student promises to be a whirlwind, too. Filling the student’s shoes, Braden will lead Shymonyak’s “Success and the Self” course. He’ll also attend a University Honors workshop, catch a “Research Unplugged” lecture, and take over as the workshop director for the fourth annual Triangle Youth Leadership Conference. And somewhere in there, Braden will need to make some room for Shymonyak’s research block which focuses on Ukrainian History and Politics. Oh, and leave some time to catch up with Shymonyak’s friends.
Stay tuned for upcoming coverage of this year’s Dean for a Day event, which will include journals and photos as we follow the switch. And if the dean again channels his fashionista side as he did last year, the photographs will be something you won’t want to miss.
By Alyssa Putt, Communication Intern