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2010 Staff Awards

2010 Awards for Excellence

The college held its Awards of Excellence luncheon on April 19 to recognize and honor CHASS staff. SPA nominees for the CHASS Award for Excellence were Julia Matthews-McClain, Administrative Support Specialist, Department of Psychology; Bruce Cheek, Administrative Support Associate, Department of Sociology & Anthropology; Allen Emory, Executive Assistant to the Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and to the Assistant Dean for Interdisciplinary Studies; Sandra Grissom, Administrative Support Associate, Department of Communication (not pictured); Joyce Jones, Pre-Award Specialist, CHASS Research Office; Mary Malaythong, Executive Assistant, Department of Social Work; Ann Rives, Executive Assistant, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies; and Karen VanDreumel, Writing Programs Assistant, Department of English. Jenny King (Center for Family and Community Engagement) was the nominee and winner among EPA employees.

Bruce CheekBruce Cheek received the CHASS SPA award for excellence. As administrative support associate for the Department of Sociology and Anthropology since 2007, Bruce has been assigned to assist seven anthropology faculty and four to six NTTs. He manages the phones, emails, mail room,  and the 2nd floor copiers and printers. In addition to his administrative skills,  Bruce is a capable editor, using his expertise as a grammarian and wordsmith to assist faculty. Bruce takes initiative in his job and does not wait to be asked to do things. Examples include organizing the anthropology library; creating a draft policy about graduate student use of laptops bought with ETF funds; and creating a policy on use of the anthropology conference room. He also manages the department’s Web site. Bruce fulfills all of his responsibilities extraordinarily well and goes above and beyond the call of duty as a matter of routine.

Jenny KingJenny King (Center for Family and Community Engagement) was the nominee and winner among EPA employees. Jenny is a training coordinator for the NC Family-Centered Meetings Project. She organizes statewide training and connects with workers in all 100 county Departments of Social Services as well as their partners in schools, mental health, juvenile justice, and public health. She works closely with county departments in determining their needs in training and technical assistance and figures out innovative ways to meet their requests.

Mary Malaythong

Mary Malaythong

Julia Matthews-McClain

Julia Matthews-McClain

Allen Emory

Allen Emory

Joyce Jones

Joyce Jones

Ann Rives

Ann Rives

Karen Van Dreumel

Karen Van Dreumel