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Dean Braden Takes the Ice Bucket Challenge

CHASS Dean Jeff Braden stood on NC State’s Court of the Carolinas to accept the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge* he received from Karen Bullock, head of the college’s Department of Social Work.

In his comments, the dean said, “I have made donations to the national ALS Association of America  and to the Mayo Clinic  [type “MSA” in the box when you open the Mayo Clinic’s giving site] in support of their research on MSA, Multiple System Atrophy. MSA is a closely related disease to ALS. Our good friend, Mark Friefeld, died of MSA this summer. Like ALS, it’s a terrible way to die, and it takes too many people too early in life. I hope that, by accepting this challenge, I can encourage others to begin—or increase—their support for research into ALS, MSA, and other neurodegenerative diseases.”

Faculty and staff helped Dean Jeff Braden take the Ice Bucket Challenge. Photo by Blair Kelley.
Faculty and staff helped Dean Jeff Braden take the Ice Bucket Challenge. Photo by Blair Kelley.

The dean issued a few challenges of his own, too. It’s on, arts and sciences deans Tim Johnston at UNC-G, Karen Gil at UNC-CH, and Ton Calamai at App State University.

Many thanks to master videographer Jim Alchediak and on-the-spot photographer Blair Kelley.

*The #ALSIceBucketChallenge is a campaign that’s gone viral all around the world, raising awareness and funds to fight ALS, commonly referred to as Lou Gehrig’s Disease.