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Political Science

Jun 17, 2014

In Ancient Artifacts, A Newfound Passion

First generation student Jordan Karlis (History and Anthropology) traveled to Jordan to participate in an archaeological dig in 2012. She was hooked on the research and returned to Amman to present her findings at an international conference. Students in an advanced digital video class made this video to explain Jordan's research and to share her transformation from shy student to engaged scholar. 

May 26, 2014

Training Proficient Pollsters

Who will be the next president? Is climate change for real? And seriously, do more people believe in ghosts than racism? Associate professor of political science Michael Cobb knows how to find out what people really think. He's an expert in polling -- from creating the questionnaires, conducting the surveys and collecting the data to analyzing, interpreting and sharing the results. And he's preparing students to be proficient pollsters. 

Mar 26, 2014

Students Document Ukranian Unrest, Student Involvement

Two CHASS students -- both Park Scholars – spent their spring break in Ukraine, interviewing students there about their participation in the protests and upheaval roiling the country. Andriy Shymonyak (History and Political Science) and Neel Mandavilli (Political Science) are creating a short documentary about the role of students in the Euromaidan protests. 

Mar 24, 2014

Two CHASS Alums Receive 2014 Watauga Medals

CHASS alumni Peaches Gunter Blank (BA, political science and MA, public administration) and Burley Mitchell (BA, political science) have received the Watauga Medal, the university's highest nonacademic award, for their extraordinary service and commitment to NC State. 

Mar 20, 2014

NC Tech Association CEO Earns National Praise

CHASS alum Brooks Raiford, CEO of the NC Technology Association, has earned the national "TechVoice Champion" award for his advocacy on behalf of the tech sector. Raiford, outgoing president of the CHASS advisory board, is a former president of the NC State student senate and the student body. 

Feb 13, 2014

February Student of the Month

Elizabeth Medlin is a double major in International Studies and Spanish, with a Political Science minor. She participated in the NC State Ethnographic Field School in Guatemala (Summer 2013) and is an intern for the NC Immigrant Rights Project. Active in student groups, honor societies and research, she plans to attend law school for immigration law. 

Jan 17, 2014

Internship Enables Student to Aid Immigrants

Emily Scotton ‘15 (front row, second from left) recently completed an internship that connected multiple dots between her career interests and her majors in Spanish and political science and her minor in nonprofit studies. In addition to practicing her Spanish, the Park scholar learned how nonprofits serve the community. What's more, Scotton -- who's interested in a law career -- got to see how immigration law applies in a nonprofit setting and even assisted in writing an affidavit. Think and Do! 

Jan 7, 2014

Meet Your 2014 Dean for a Day

Tiffany Johnson, a political science and communication major, will trade places with Dean Jeff Braden on February 12. Johnson will serve as Dean for a Day, while Braden takes classes ranging from "Administration of Justice" and "Supreme Court and Public Policy" to "Intro to Film" and "Communication and Technology." Will he make good grades? Will she change the course of the college? Stay tuned! 

Jan 3, 2014

Constitutional Structures, Limited Government, and Civic Virtue

NC State's School of Public and International Affairs will welcome Robert P. George to campus as part of the Pope Lecture Series. George is McCormick Professor of Jurisprudence and founder and director of the James Madison Program in American Ideals and Institutions at Princeton University. His lecture, "Constitutional Structures and Political Culture," will be held on campus in the SAS Hall auditorium (Room 2203) at 7:30 pm on February 20. The lecture and the reception that follows in the atrium are free and open to the public. 

Oct 13, 2013

October Student of the Month

Philip Barefoot is a senior majoring in History and Political Science. He is active in his departmental student clubs and honor societies, and has had government, legal and nonprofit internships. He is currently researching Southern politics, and he looks forward to attending law school after graduation.