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News Update

patio with red umbrellas outside Players Retreat

Nov 7, 2019

A Meal and a Night Out

After learning about food insecurity at NC State, political science alumnus Richard “Gus” Gusler realized he had a resource to feed those hungry students: his restaurant, Players Retreat. 

Toinette smiling in the streets of Spain

Nov 6, 2019

Busy Turning Dreams into Reality

From Europe to Mexico, and plenty of places in between, psychology and international studies double-major Toinette Powers is taking advantage of opportunities to lay the foundation for a wide-ranging future. 

belltower peaks out of changing fall leaves

Nov 5, 2019

Connecting Research to Practice: Berry-James Inducted Into National Academy

Public administration professor RaJade Berry-James is being recognized at the national level for her commitment to service. 

couples in silhouette in front of a sunset

Nov 4, 2019

Study Highlights Fluid Sexual Orientation in Many Teens

New research from psychologists at NC State and two other universities finds at least one in five teenagers reports some change in sexual orientation during adolescence. 

cover photo of "What the Dog Knows" young readers edition

Nov 1, 2019

Wolfpack Writers: Cat Warren

We caught up with English professor Cat Warren to learn more about her young readers edition of "What the Dog Knows." 

photo looking up inside Talley Student Union's technology tower

Oct 28, 2019

NC State Researchers Land NSF Grant to Develop AI Tools for Workforce Empowerment

The $980,000 grant will allow NC State researchers to develop new artificial intelligence (AI) tools to help job seekers and employers manage a rapidly changing labor market. 

student standing on beach with ship in background

Oct 24, 2019

Study Abroad Spotlight: Jenna Nabors

Communication and international studies double major Jenna Nabors spent a semester studying in South Africa. Learn more about her experience. 

Bird sits on top of the wolf statues outside Murphy Football Center

Oct 22, 2019

Carol Rahmani: Giving Where Your Interests Lie

Carol Rahmani earned three degrees in psychology at NC State. She's made plans to give back to her department and to other areas at NC State that she and her late husband loved. 

photo of a robot

Oct 21, 2019

Darn You, R2! When Do We Blame Robots?

New research from NC State psychologists shows people are likely to blame robots for workplace accidents, but only if they believe the robots are autonomous. 

Angela Burruss faced to the side and smiling

Oct 15, 2019

My NC State Story: Angela Burruss (Communication ‘98)

Communication alumna Angela Burruss says hands-on learning at NC State helped seal her chosen career path.