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To understand homelessness, social work students sleep outside

Undergraduate social work (BSW) students and friends spent a cold night on NC State’s brickyard recently to bring attention to the plight of those who are homeless in Raleigh.

Some 20 students and faculty mingled with visitors from the Helen Wright Center Shelter and the Healing Place for Men and Women during the chilly evening. They shared coffee and doughnuts as they discussed the realities and consequences of homelessness. Then they set up refrigerator boxes in preparation for sleeping outside on an inhospitable night.

The guests from the shelter spoke candidly about their experiences, and shared resources and strategies for being homeless in the capital city. “We were so privileged to have their company,” said Kathy Osborne, field director for the BSW social work program. “And we are so proud of our students for their active interest in social and economic justice issues.”

The event was sponsored by the BSW student association.

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