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Administrators Celebrate Staff at CHASS Picnic

CHASS Dean Jeff Braden and  Associate Dean Vicki Gallagher were among the administrators donning aprons to serve the staff.
Staff gathered on the Caldwell
patio for the picnic.
Neko Everett, Michelle Branch, and Crissy Williams-Brown hung out with Mr. Wuf.
Allen Emory served as emcee and distributed raffle prizes donated by area merchants.

CHASS Dean Jeff Braden and his associate and assistant deans give a flip about the staff in the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. Actually, make that dozens of flips. The dean and his fellow administrators hosted a picnic during Fall Break to honor and thank the 135 staff in the college for all their hard work and dedication.

“We have not been able to give raises for the past several years,” the dean said as he flipped burgers and hotdogs. “And we have asked staff members to take on more and more work. We wanted to celebrate our staff and to let them know we value what they bring to the college each and every day.”

In addition to enjoying a picnic lunch served by the administrators, lucky staff members received items donated by businesses along Hillsborough Street and beyond. “We are some of the closest neighbors to these businesses, and they were generous in helping us thank our staff,” Braden said.

Many thanks to the 50+ businesses who contributed, including Porter’s, David’s Dumpling and Noodle Bar, Brueggers Bagels, Harris Teeter, WKNC, Dunkin Donuts, Amedeo’s,The NC State bookstore, The Pit and Sitti restaurants.

Special thanks to Robert Bell for photography and for providing music, to Allen Emory, for serving as emcee, and to Crissy Williams-Brown, organizer extraordinaire.