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Say ‘Gudday’ to Our Ambassador-in-Residence

New Zealand's ambassador to the U.N., Jim McLay, is NC State's first ambassador-in-residence.

What a coup—securing Jim McLay, New Zealand’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations as the first official ambassador-in-residence for the School of Public and International Affairs.

Richard Mahoney, SPIA director, says we can learn a lot from Jim McLay, and from New Zealand. “Americans often discount little countries—but actually countries like New Zealand show us what we should be doing—building international partnerships.

“We are lucky to have Jim here,” Mahoney says, adding that the goal of the new ambassador-in-residence program is “taking the phenomenon of international and foreign affairs and making it real.”

McLay says his connection to NC State is through his long-term friendship with Mahoney. As ambassador-in-residence last week, McLay hoped to impart knowledge about New Zealand and small states—neither of which are typically on Americans’ radar.

NC State Bulletin writer Debbi Gardiner-McCullough caught up with McLay during his packed visit to campus and files this article.