NEW! Introducing CHASS Academic Support Initiative
Hey, CHASS students! Got questions about intracampus transfer? Registration procedures? The General Education Program? Need some help to get on top of your academic game?
Step right up to the Academic Support Initiative (ASI) booths in Caldwell Lounge. Help is here.
From 8:00 am – 5:00 pm, Mondays through Fridays, ASI staff members are at your service for walk-up appointments in Caldwell Lounge. The staff can help you navigate college and university policies, academic records, degree requirements, and university resources.
The four ASI staff members this spring are Whitley Anderson, Dawn Henderson, Stephen McDonough, and Courtney Mitchell, all CHASS graduate students with backgrounds in the humanities and social sciences.
“These advisers are an excellent source of advice about academic progress, student life, and career choices,” says coordinator Dara Leeder. “We hope students will take advantage of this useful and convenient new resource.”
Too busy to stop by? Send your questions or concerns to the ASI staff by email: Please allow one business day for a response.
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