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Jan 7, 2013

Sitting Pretty with Simply Sitting

CHASS alumna Ginny Hager (Communication '08) started babysitting when she was 13. She has continued to hear from parents who struggle to find trustworthy, dependable sitters. So this entrepreneur created Simply Sitting, a service that connects families to the best babysitters in their area. 

Jan 3, 2013

Offhand hobbit comment inspires prankster philanthropy

Some of the most creative fundraising starts with an offhand remark, perhaps even a sarcastic jab, followed by a classic light bulb moment. For example, one person - for the sake of argument, let's say he's a distinguished professor at NC State - might comment via social media about "The Hobbit" that nobody could pay him enough money to see the movie. Bemused friends joke that the challenge should be posted on eBay or Kickstarter. That's when friends quickly organized an online drive to persuade Professor John Kessel, winner of a Nebula Award for science fiction/fantasy writing and a member of the CHASS Department of English, to turn the joke into a serious fundraiser. 

Jan 2, 2013

Teaching Teens Nanotech Ethics

High school students gathered from across the state at Durham's School of Science and Math to learn about the ethical issues surrounding nanotechnologies from political scientist Mike Cobb and chemical engineer Jesse Jur, who encouraged the teens to expand their views about the future of technology. 

Dec 27, 2012

Parents are Key to Preventing Substance Use

New research from NC State, Brigham Young University and the Penn State University finds that parental involvement is more important than the school environment when it comes to preventing or limiting alcohol and marijuana use by children. “Parents play an important role in shaping the decisions their children make when it comes to alcohol and marijuana,” says Toby Parcel, professor of sociology at NC State and co-author of a paper on the work. “School programs that address alcohol and marijuana use are definitely valuable, but the bonds parents form with their children are more important. Ideally, we can have both.” 

Dec 20, 2012

Nonprofit careers, here we come!

Hardworking students in the college’s nonprofit studies minor helped the Institute for Nonprofits reach a significant milestone in December when its number of graduates passed the 100 mark. A total of 104 students have graduated with a minor in nonprofit studies since it was established in 2006. Another 110 NC State University undergrads are currently enrolled. Echoing… 

Dec 18, 2012

Alum Blogs About Placemaking

Kristin Jeffers makes a place for urban planning, or "placemaking," in her blog, The Black Urbanist. Started in 2010, Jeffers' blog was simply an outlet for her to communicate her passion for city planning and development to potential employers. The blog later turned into a guide for her current career and influences what notions to put into action. 

Dec 11, 2012

Across the Great (Disciplinary) Divide: Tips on Science Communication

Andrew Binder is an assistant professor in communication who specializes in science communication and how citizens perceive science issues. In this guest post, Binder shares some insights on what researchers stand to gain from sharing their findings with those outside their fields. 

Dec 6, 2012

Preserving Southern History

English professor Dick J. Reavis and some of his students have spent three years recreating The Southern Worker, a little-known 1930s newspaper, in a digital format. The little-known newspaper's stories and personal accounts of hardship during the Great Depression illuminate the plight of poor southerners. Archives are now available online. 

Dec 3, 2012

Nonprofit Studies Rich in New Perspectives

Camille Smith, a political science major and nonprofit studies minor, is planning her career based around serving others through development work. The Institute for Nonprofits -- and an internship with Curamericas Global, Inc. -- expanded her knowledge of and interest in global health. 

Nov 29, 2012

Two CHASS Faculty Members Named University Scholars

Two CHASS faculty members are among the first recipients of the University Faculty Scholars program. The scholars will receive $10,000 for each of the next five years to pursue their academic endeavors. The program aims to strengthen NC State by retaining and investing in top leaders and rewarding them for their outstanding work.