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Feb 5, 2013

Dean for a Day will be a Freaky Friday

Remember Freaky Friday, the movie where two people switch bodies--and lives--for 24 hours? On Friday, March 15, CHASS will host the college’s own role-swapping Friday: the annual Dean for a Day event. This year, Dean Jeff Braden will switch places with Andriy Shymonyak, a Park Scholar double major in History and Political Science. 

Feb 4, 2013

Core Sounders Premieres

For the Core Sound residents of Carteret County, commercial fishing has been a way of life for three centuries. But the sustained seclusion that has protected their culture—and their dialect—is fast eroding. CoreSounders, a film produced by Distinguished Professor of English Walt Wolfram and directed by the Emmy Award-winning Neal Hutcheson, showcases the unique community of Carteret County. Join us for the film premiere at the North Carolina Museum of History in downtown Raleigh at 7 p.m. on March 14, 2013. 

Feb 1, 2013

Unleash Your Inner Poet

Calling all poets: The 2013 Statewide Poetry Contest is officially accepting entries. The contest, sponsored by the NC State University Creative Writing program, is the one of the largest literary competitions in the region. Deadline for submissions is March 1. Guest judge Michael Wiegers, executive editor of Copper Canyon Press, will announce the winners April 3. 

Juliana Nfah-Abbenyi

Feb 1, 2013

Meet the CHASS Director of Diversity Programs

Professor of English and Comparative Literature Juliana Nfah-Abbenyi has been named the college’s director of diversity programs and faculty/staff diversity. She will enhance the college’s leadership position on the campus by encouraging and supporting scholarship on critical diversity issues. She will also work within the college to enhance and increase diversity among faculty and staff. 

Jan 31, 2013

Lincoln’s Legacy for Our Time

You've seen Lincoln, the movie. Now hear James McPherson, the Lincoln expert. The Civil War historian and Pulitzer Prize-winning author will deliver a talk titled, “Lincoln’s Legacy for Our Time” as part of NC State’s History Weekend. (Saturday, Feb. 16, 10:00 - noon, in Room 232A of Withers Hall on the NC State campus.) 

Jan 29, 2013

The Secrets of Public Speaking

Public speaking is an everyday act of forming a thought, then quickly organizing and delivering that thought in a powerful, engaging way. So says Elizabeth Nelson, the new Communication 110 director in the Department of Communication. So why do we often dread speaking publicly at work, even when it's understood speaking well leads to promotion, defuses problems and reduces stress? Learn the secrets of public speaking. 

Jan 24, 2013

Happy birthday, CHASS!

Happy birthday, CHASS! 2013 marks the 50th anniversary of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences. We're working on a pretty cool timeline that we'll be sharing with you later this spring. In the meantime, take a peek at a video created for the timeline by Jim Alchediak, an instructor in our Department of Communication, with the help of some of his advanced video production students. Stay tuned! 

Jan 22, 2013

Say ‘Gudday’ to Our Ambassador-in-Residence

Jim McLay, New Zealand’s ambassador and permanent representative to the United Nations,is the first official ambassador-in-residence for the School of Public and International Affairs. Richard Mahoney, SPIA director, says we can learn a lot from McLay, and from New Zealand. “Americans often discount little countries—but actually countries like New Zealand show us what we should be doing—building international partnerships. 

Jan 16, 2013

Endowments 101

Most students don't know what an endowment is before they take David Zonderman's popular course on the history of nonprofits. The course, offered through the Institute for Nonprofits, addresses endowments from the perspective of the history of foundations and their connections to the philanthropic world. 

Jan 14, 2013

January 2013 Student of the Month

This month's CHASS student of the month, Victoria Shockley, is a sophomore with an English major and French minor. She writes and edits for various publications, and expects to have a novella published later this year. Victoria is on track to graduate one year early, and stays active on campus while commuting each day from Wake Forest.